2006 The Failure of 21st Century Intelligence (Followed by SPY IMPROV)

One of the magical things about the “wealth of networks” is the value-added that can come from voluntary social production.  Governments and businesses are only now beginning to understand this, and most do not yet understand that the future is about hybrid open everything.  Below, with a tip of the hat toEli Courtwright who says: …

Information Operations (IO) Archives for Public Intelligence (2006)

2006 US IO Analysis Steele IO Analysis 101 (Five Slides with Notes) 2006 US IO Conepts Corman et al Strategic Communications Concepts for Dealing with Jihadists 2006 US IO Intel Stewart InfoOps and Intelligence 2006 US IO Multinational Steele Multinational Information Operations Center (Brief to Coalition CENT) 2006 CA IO Technical Garigue Technical Preface to …

Commerce Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2004 SE Commerce Bjore Commercial Intelligence 2003 SE Commerce Bjore Reinventing Commercial Intelligence 2002 US Commerce Klavans Identifying Commercial Opportunities from Emerging Science 2000 US Commerce Technology Intelligence from Patents 2000 US Commerce Sullivan Business Perspective on Essential Overseas Information 1999 FR Commerce Baumlin Espionage or Business Intelligence: Nuances of Gray 1999 UK Commerce Collier …