Steve Aftergood: Intelligence Lessons from Fort Hood — Information Systems (and Legal) Still Stink

INTELLIGENCE LESSONS FROM THE 2009 FT HOOD SHOOTING In 2010, then-Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair convened a panel to review the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting committed by Army Maj. Nidal Hasan and the Christmas Day bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aboard Northwest Flight 253. A redacted version of the resulting panel …

Berto Jongman: IMF – Debt Crisis Looms

$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF A poisonous “triad” of global risks is pushing the world to the brink of a new financial crisis, says stark IMF report “Three percent of global output is at stake”.

Robert Steele: UNHINGED — Two Books on Terror Reviewed (Rebuttal, a Book of Lies & Broken!, Truth as Fiction)

UNHINGED: American Terror, Torture, & Treason SHORT URL: Robert David Steele PDF (5 Pages): UNHINGED TORTURE as published with cover matter Rebuttal: The CIA Responds to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program by Porter Goss et al, Naval Institute Press, 352 pp., £14.99, September, ISBN 978 1 591 14587 …

Berto Jongman: Is Climate Change Australia’s Greatest National Security Issue?

Why climate change is Australia’s greatest national security issue They were given 13 threats or potential threats to consider: adverse global trends and challenges to the international system; terrorism and piracy; instability and failed or failing states; poverty, inequality, and poor governance; serious and organised crime; WMD proliferation; climate change; civil emergencies, including natural disasters …

Nafeez Ahmed: UN Sustainability Plan Doomed

The UN’s Sustainability Plan Is ‘Doomed,’ According to Linguistic Analysis The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which seek to end poverty and hunger while creating sustainable societies, look like great news at first glance. But a report circulated to UN officials argues that the entire SDG process has been “fundamentally compromised” by powerful corporations with …