The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 5 Integrity, Lies, and Panarchy Extract II

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 5 Integrity, Lies, and Panarchy Extract II Every major segment of our society–academia, civil society [including labor unions and religions], commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/non-profit–is currently suffering from epidemic lack of integrity, which only gets worse at large scales of operation, leading to implosion from corruption …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

The Open Source Everything Manifesto Robert David Steele Reality Sandwich, 13 June 2012 The following is excerpted from The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust published by Evolver Editions, an imprint of North Atlantic Books. The circumstances underlying this manifesto are stark and compelling: We are at the end of a five-thousand-year-plus historical process …

Tom Atlee: From Stuck in the Game, to Liberating Public Wisdom

From Stuck in the Game, to Liberating Public Wisdom Dear friends, What’s going on with our politics? On the one hand, we in the US are watching grotesque income inequality and extreme wealth being used to buy power and more wealth to further control our political and economic systems.  On the other hand, we have …