Yoda: China Thinking — Rifkin Rising — Not Enough

Free, energy is.  Corrupt, governments are. The London Times: China Embraces Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution The London Times reported that members of the twenty-four person Politburo and senior party officials are reading and actively discussing Jeremy Rifkin’s New York Times bestselling book, The Third Industrial Revolution, on the eve of the National Party Congress on November 8th that will usher …

Review: Using Data Sharing to Improve Coordination in Peacebuilding: Report of a Workshop on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding

Andrew Robertson and Steve Olson (eds.) 4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent First Step, Four Disappointments, January 2, 2013 This is one of the more useful reports to come out of the US Institute of Peace and its collaborative effort with the National Academy of Engineering and I highly recommend it for either free reading …

DefDog: Panetta at Press Club — Pathetic! & Comment by Robert Steele with Remedial Reading List

While touted as strategy, I fail to see any, more like wishful thinking and hope…..and as we all know, Hope is Not a Strategy…. Remarks by Secretary Panetta at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON E. PANETTA:  Thank you very much, Theresa, for that kind introduction.  And thank you for the …

Jerry Boykin: Benghazi — Focus on Failure of DoD to Rescue with Comment & Links by Robert Steele

BOYKIN: Congress asking the wrong questions on Benghazi Lack of military response should be top issue Washington Times, 26 December 2012 “Iknew wherever I was that you thought of me and that if I got in a tight place, you would come — if alive.” This statement was contained in a letter dated March 10, …

Jiemian YANG: Global Governance Limits and Potentials

 Limits and Potentials of the Developing Countries in Global Governance Inclusive global governance is one of the on-going efforts of the developing countries in this fast changing and complicated world. This is a process that started in the 1960s and will continue for many years to come. I. Current Roles of the Developing Countries in …

2012 Robert Steele Proposal for a World Brain Institute and Development of a Global Game

Proposal for a World Brain Institute and Development of a Global Game ·Transhumanism, December 26, 2012 [Editor’s Note: The World Brain was  proposed in collection of essays by H. G. Wells, wherein Wells describes his vision of the world brain: essentially a free, synthetic, universal, authoritative, and permanent “World Encyclopaedia” very much like today’s Wikipedia. Wells imagined this resource would help world …