Worth a Look: Prediction Market Cluster

The Prediction Market Clusters founded in 2004 in Silicon Valley, are a global  commons and open community for prediction markets and collective intelligence networks worldwide. The open and agnostic community is a focused action/research collaboration network of vendors, academia, traders, users, developers, markets, regulators and stakeholders. All are welcome. The goal is to provide Next …

Journal: Web War II

Web 2.0 Expo: O’Reilly Warns Of Web War Paul McDougall November 17, 2009 Internet visionary fears an end to openness as Internet rivals consolidate power. The Web, which began life as an open community where information and tools were freely shared across geographic, political, and social boundaries, is in danger of becoming segmented into a …

Journal: Nobel Prize for Economics for Work on Collective Governance of Common Resources

STOCKHOLM – Americans Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for their work in economic governance. Ostrom was the first woman to win the prize since it was founded in 1968, and the fifth woman to win a Nobel award this year — a Nobel record. The Royal Swedish Academy …