Yoda: Self-Organizing Robot Armies Printed in 3D

Self-organizing robot armies produced – and all thanks to ingenious termite logic Harvard ‘brainiacs’ are at it again. Inspired by termites, they have realized their dream of cheap, expendable, self-organizing robots – a construction crew building complex structures at a quick pace, and completely independent of leadership. The possibilities are vast. The machines can be …

Yoda: Israel Fears Exponential Growth of Boycott, Disvetment and Sanctions (BDS) — Good, This Is…

Fear, evil should… Why Israel Fears the Boycott By OMAR BARGHOUTIJAN. 31, 2014 JERUSALEM — IF Secretary of State John Kerry’s attempts to revive talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority fail because of Israel’s continuing construction of illegal settlements, the Israeli government is likely to face an international boycott “on steroids,” as Mr. Kerry …

Yoda: 10 Groups That Are Building a Movement for Economic Justice from the Grassroots Up

10 Groups That Are Building a Movement for Economic Justice from the Grassroots Up With more than 46 million people living below the poverty line, struggling to survive on $19,530 or less for a family of three, and with more than one in three Americans living on less than twice that amount, scrimping to pay …

Yoda: Flock of Nano-Satellites

“Flock” of Nano Satellites to Capture High-Res Views of Whole Earth A private San Francisco start-up has launched the largest-ever ensemble of Earth-imaging satellites By Sara Boettiger and Sean Wagstaff Scientific American, 10 January 2014 The constellation of Earth-imaging satellites launched yesterday—28 individual sputniks, called “Doves,” each about the size of its namesake and weighing …