Chuck Spinney: The Arrogance of Ignorance Plus Meta-RECAP

We are fighting Islamism from ignorance, as we did the cold war The west wasted trillions in needless conflict with the USSR. Now we are being brainwashed into confrontation with Iran Simon Jenkins,, Thursday 1 March 2012 20.00 GMT Were we wrong? I have lived through two global conflicts: the west against Russian communism …

Progressive Press Integrated Bibliography Project

Below is the beginning of an integrated bibliography with links to Amazon pages for each book or DVD, a few links to articles or papers.  It provides a searchable means of considering many authors whose books question the mainstream myths while challenging the integrity of the existing blend of neo-everything.

Michel Bauwens: Life of the Internet or Internet as Our Life?

Below by Nick Mendoza is recommended! Up front extract: With the decline of state capitalism, capitalist governments and corporations now dream of the internet as the tool for corporate growth through ontological colonialism, free to expand within the mind and the planet, exploiting everyone alike. Metal, code, flesh: Why we need a ‘Rights of the …