Stephen E. Arnold: SharePoint Search: An Open Source Widget

SharePoint Search: An Open Source Widget If you have SharePoint responsibilities, you know how fabulous Microsoft’s Swiss Army knife solution is. Let me explain. The “fabulousness” applies to consultants, integrators, and “experts” who can make the rusty blade cut better than it does once the system is installed. I learned about “SharePoint 2013 Search Query …

Stephen E. Arnold: Navy Project Pulls Military into the Nineties [Just 20 Years Behind State of the Art]

Navy Project Pulls Military into the Nineties September 13, 2013 Sometimes an initiative comes along that causes me to perk up and declare, “wait, you mean they weren’t doing that already?” That is my response to Slashdot‘s article, “Navy Version of ‘Expedia’ to Save DOD Millions.” I know, I should no longer be surprised by the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Power Search for Open Source Developers

Power Search for Open Source Developers Open source is cutting across the world as solution revolution. It is making technology cheaper and more widely available. It could have positive far reaching consequences in education and aerospace technology, but all revolutions need a little help getting off the ground. “Open source projects need all the help …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Analytics Invaluable in Tax Fraud Investigation

Big Data Analytics Proves Invaluable In Tax Fraud Investigation Posted: 29 Aug 2013 03:57 PM PDT The article on titled Big Data Journalism Exposes Offshore Tax Dodgers reports on the findings of Offshore Leaks, the result of the work of an international group of journalists. The fascinating story of offshore tax evasion by over …