Stephen E. Arnold: Best Social Media Monitoring Tools?

Best Social Monitoring Tool Depends on Who Is Asking Posted: 23 Aug 2013 06:15 PM PDT Confused about social media monitoring? A thread at Quora, “Which Are the Best Social Media Monitoring Tools?” suggests that like search, social media monitoring is pretty tricky. The overall consensus statement makes it clear there is no simple answer: …

Stephen E. Arnold: Replicant Hopes to Free Mobile from the Tyranny of Proprietary Software

Replicant Hopes to Free Mobile from the Tyranny of Proprietary Software August 27, 2013 Citing freedom and security concerns, the makers of Replicant are calling for donations, we learn from “Fundraising a Fully Free Fork of Android” at Boing Boing. The project hopes to give us all the choice to run our Android-based mobile devices …

Stephen E. Arnold: NSA Cannot Search Its Own Employees’ Emails — Say What?

Surveillance Organization Unable to Search Own Employees Email An article titled NSA Says It Can’t Search Its Own Emails on ProPublica brings up an interesting glitch in the NSA’s surveillance technology. In spite of having the capability to sort through big data with a supercomputer, when it comes to doing a search of NSA’s over …

Stephen E. Arnold: Major Trends in Discovery Analytics

Major Trends in Discovery Analytics Posted: 15 Aug 2013 07:28 PM PDT Analytics is the newest buzzword in the enterprise. Analytics indicates that that solution is intelligent and agile, and the industry is paying attention. Information Management gives the latest news in the article, “3 Major Trends in New Discovery Analytics.” After a discussion of …

Stephen E. Arnold: Infographics Take on New Analytic Importance

Infographics Take on New Analytic Importance We are increasingly living in a big data and analytic society. But when discussing all this information, it’s hard to put a visual with it. Humans are, after all, very sight-oriented. However, that problem is quickly looking like a thing of the past after discovering a recent Make Use …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google — A Losing Battle for Relevance

Google: A Losing Battle for Relevance I wrote a feature for Beyond Search which summarized the relevance problems for the query “ocr programs.” You can find that article at The main point is that an average user would find links to crapware, flawed software, or irrelevant information. But Google was not the only offender. …