Dean T. Hartwell
Close to the truth January 8, 2012
By RennMax
This is an interesting book. As an Airline pilot who was scheduled to fly SFO-JFK on the morning of 911 I have been critical of the “official story” from the very beginning. The stand down of NORAD and virtually everything that happened with ATC that day was without precedent and totally out of protocol. None of it made sense let alone the supposed “hijackers” navagating and flying aircraft with sophisticated “glass cockpits” I just don't buy it.
For a non-avaition type the author, I believe, gets really close to the truth. He leaves a lot of loose ends but overall his premise is probably very close to what actually happened. The layman may think that such a story is implausible but the set up of confusion, decoy aircraft, merging radar targets, and “live hijack exercises” provided the near perfect cover for such an operation as well as the plane strikes providing the cover for the controlled demolition of the towers except of course for Bldg.#7 which went virtually unnoticed by the masses.
You need to be able to think critically and outside of the box which the Corporate Mainstream Media constructs. Be assured, the perpetrators count on you not thinking and staying inside the mental box they construct for you.
My hope is that some day soon we will have the truth about 911 and its implications.

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