FIXED Big File Problem. Three Separate Files, each at Their Respectuve Thumbnails.
EVENT REPORT: Have you been wondered just how we are going to implement M4IS2* and add to it Real-Time-Processing (RTP) and Near-Real-Time Processing (NRTP)? This event introduced to the Washington, D.C. environment, for the first time, the concept of operations and related technologies that will allow Google and Microsoft to play well together within any existing desktop analytic environment that relies on Microsoft for the operating system and functionalities, but needs to or wants to rely on Google for everything else. This was the first of a quarterly series of briefings organized and moderated by Stephen E. Arnold, the behind-the-scenes architect of FirstGov (now Gov.USA), and author of the three definitive analytic studies of Google as well as multiple studies of Microsoft.
* Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making. Precursor to the United Nations Open-Source Decision-Support Information Network (UNODIN).
Click on Gorilla to see three briefs in one document with notes, as delivered less several proprietary slides, on 23 September 2009 at the National Press Club. Ram Ramanujam, President of Somat Engineering, and Mark Crawford, Project Manager for Somat Engineering, were also present. The Washington office of this 8A ICT firm is managed by Arpan Patel.
All briefings can be read in Notes format for selected planned words intended to accompany most slides.
Below are biographies of the four principals.