Brian Rotheray is one of the “Dissident Majority” at BBC who have objected, among other things, to terrible management and a rather loose grasp of the truth, including teams that are so biased against any sembalnce of Western intervention as to be considered propaganda elements of the indigenous insurgent elements.
To the left, one of Brian Rotheray's current discourses. To the right, Frog Right, a Pro-Veritas interview at BBC, which is very heavily subsidized by the Foreign

Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), and therefore much in need of liberation from those bonds.
Below are the slides and text, respectively, for Brian Rotheray's very thoughtful presentation to OSS '01. We stand firmly with the Dissident Majority at BBC, and look forward to their future empowerment.

It merits comment that among BBC, Agence France Presse, Associated Press, Reuters, Dow Jones, and so on, there has never been a serious effort to organize an open (that is to say, transparent, legal, ethical) network to assure Global Coverage. Neither has any government made a serious effort to leverage Amazon and citation analysis to achieve holistic coverage across all disciplines, both human and scientific. Brian Rotherey is the kind of manager we would seek to pursue such an endeavor.