Dr. Ben Gilad, considered a leading developer of competitive intelligence (CI) theory and practice in the US, is a former Associate Professor of Strategy at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Management. Gilad’s first CI books, The Business Intelligence System (1988, AMACOM, co-authored) and Business Blindspots (1994, US: Probus/Irwin; 1998, UK: Infonortics), paved the way for the CI evolution in US corporations, many of which emulated the basic principles of Gilad’s CI process model. He is the co-editor of the definitive analysis book, The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis (1996, JAI Press), reprinted and updated with Jan Herring in 2008.
In 2004 Gilad published his breakthrough book, Early Warning (AMACOM, 2004), which defines for the first time a new role and scope for CI practitioners based on his innovative work with two strategic early warning systems in two leading global corporations. For this new risk management perspective of CI, CI Magazine labeled him “our CI guru”. The Society of Competitive Professionals honored him with its highest Meritorious award in 1996.