It is good to see there's progress towards getting off fossil fuels, but we still have a ways to go … and there are new free energy technologies being developed that may bring us there even faster.
Mark Dansie, 28 June 2013
Electricity generation from renewable sources worldwide will exceed that from gas and be twice that from nuclear power by 2016 says the International Energy Agency.
The IEA says renewable power is expected to jump by 40% in the next five years and will make up almost a quarter of the global power mix by 2018. The prediction is in the IEA’s second annual Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report.
Phi Beta Iota: What everyone is missing is the real-estate implications of combining solar (mostly) and wind (sometimes) with water desalination and hydroponics (produce and fish) to create wealth where before there was only moonscape. It may be a stretch to suggest that we can stop the oceans from rising by desalinating enough water to stop all aquifer draw-down and refresh all deserts, but we are within sight of such a bold goal. There is ample wealth to create infinite wealth, it is simply badly distributed. There are two revolutions ready to pop. The first is the C4ISR Open Source Everything revolution that includes Alternative C2 and M4IS2. The second is the redistribution of real wealth (not repeat not the confiscation of old concentrated wealth) as communities come together to self-fund the miracle to be made by solar power, dirt, desalinated water, and hydroponics, along with free wireless mesh.
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