USMC MajGen Vincent Stewart will be promoted to LtGen and assume command of the Defense Intelligence Agency on 23 January 2015. He is the first Marine and the first Jamaican-American to assume the leadership role at any major US intelligence agency.
He assumes command of an organization that is dysfunctional across many fronts, most especially the HR front, with nine specific senior executive enemies* in place, the same ones who successfully destroyed the efforts of LTG Mike Flynn, USA, to bring DIA into the 21st Century. At a meta scale, he begins his tenure on day one with seven strikes — none of his own making — against him.
See Especially:
2014 Robert Steele On Defense Intelligence – Seven Strikes
See Also:
2014 Robert Steele: CNO Realizes We Need a 450 Ship Navy — 22 Years After I Was Almost Fired for Same Idea…
2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings
1990 Intelligence in the 1990′s – Six Challenges
1990 Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model
1989 Al Gray (US) on Global Intelligence Challenges
* For some time now, since before LtGen Ron Burgess, USA but gelling during his tenure, several of us with direct and indirect access have been discussing what 3-12 DIA senior executives we would send to Lagos, Nigeria in order to clear the decks and enable real progress. Recently we settled on nine specific individuals whose names are circulating privately. At least three of these individuals should probably be the subjects of Inspector General or outright counterintelligence investigations.
** In Marine Corps terms highly relevant to the Defense Intelligence Agency and what it should be doing, threat support to acquisition translates into being able to do ethical evidence-based decision-support for
+ strategy that addresses all threats (four distinct threat classes) in all locations, forcing DoD to train, equip, and organize four forces after next, not one big force that is unsustainable and 50% waste
+ policy that weights Whole of Government “peaceful preventive measures” equal to or greater than wanton military measures
+ operations that are inherently Whole of Government, joint, multinational, and fully witting of everything the eight tribes (in all languages) can offer in support of both rapid precision operations and sustained operations.
+ tactics that do not undermine operations, policies, and strategies — and that are themselves not undermined by a lack of strategy, incoherent or mis-directed policy, and flawed theater operational constructs…our Armed Forces personnel merit more respect (and more money — 4% of the force takes 80% of the casualties and gets 1% of the budget).
Generally speaking, and as defined by Robert Steele in 1992, this means that we need a Navy that can deliver a platoon of Marines and Naval Gunfire Support as well a helicopters overhead anywhere in the world within 24 hours; a company of Marines with helicopters, Harriers, and slow mover gunships overhead in 48 hours, and a Battalion Landing Team (-) with organic air including the A-10 anywhere in 72 hours. On top of that (it comes out to being a 450 ship Navy) we need a long-haul Air Force able to deliver an air-mobile Army for follow-on operations, and a complete redirection of all foreign military assistance funds away from selling arms for profit by the few, and toward waging peace for the profit of the many.
The US military is supposed to be the last resort, not the first — anything less is moral, intellectual, and financial corruption. As of today, DIA is totally worthless across all substantive domains (collection, processing, analysis, counterintelligence, information technology) and all four levels of analysis (strategic, operational, tactical, technical) — DIA does not even understand that the threat changes depending on the level of analysis.
Yes, Title 10 is going to have to be changed at some point …. that will require both electoral reform and intelligence reform, it will not happen within the prevailing political paradigm.