Phi Beta Iota: We will update this post as other headlines are received from the contributing editor. No one wants to address the reality that Saudi Arabia and Israel are “root.” We believe Charlie Hebdo was a false flag state-sponsored attack and it is highly likely the Paris attacks and the forthcoming attacks in Berlin (or elsewhere now that the plan has been captured) are state-sponsored attacks. The US is being played as a shiksa — a Gentile fool that can be manipulated and abused with impunity.
Categories include Perspectives, Key People, Technologies, Resources, and Full Reports.
See Also:
36. Could US and Russia Enhance Intel Relationship? (Defense News, by Aaron Mehta, 16 Nov 2015)
37. America’s politicians are feeding the Islamic State narrative (Washington Post, by Michael Gerson, 16 Nov 2015)
38. For the Islamic State, paroxysms of violence portend apocalypse (Washington Post, by Craig Whitlock and Ellen Nakashima, 16 Nov 2015)
40. What to do and to don’t in response to the Paris attacks (American Enterprise Institute, by Frederick W. Kagan, Kimberly Kagan, 15 Nov 2015)
41. A three-step plan for facing down Islamist terrorism (Times of Israel, by David Horovitz, 15 Nov 2015)
42. Forging a European resolve (European Council on Foreign Relations, Commentary, 17 Nov 2015)
43. How We Underestimated ISIL (Politico, by J.M. Berger, 15 Nov 2015)
44. The Islamic State’s trap for Europe (Washington Post, by Harleen Gambhir, 15 Nov 2015)
45. After Paris, a Grim New Reality in the Terror War (Foreign Policy, by Dan De Luce, 15 Nov 2015)
46. The U.S. must send ground forces to eliminate the Islamic State (Washington Post, by James Jeffrey, 16 Nov 2015)
47. What Will Come After Paris (New York Times Editorial, 15 Nov 2015)
48. Dig In for a Long War of Ideas Against Islamists (Wall Street Journal, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 15 Nov 2015)
49. Countering Extremism After the Paris Attacks (Council on Foreign Relations,
Interview, 14 Nov 2015)
50. Targeting Europe's Refugees Is Not the Answer (The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, by Aaron Y. Zelin, 16 Nov 2015)
51. Experts: Too much focus on ISIS in Syrian conflict (Medill News Service, by Sean Froelich, 16 Nov 2015)
52. What will control over Aleppo’s military base mean for Assad? (AlMonitor, by Jean Aziz, 15 Nov 2015)
53. Keep Ahrar al-Sham out of Syria talks (AlMonitor, 15 Nov 2015)
56. McConnell says discussing Syrian refugee legislation with White House (Reuters, 17 Nov 2015)
57. ‘He is a barbaric man’ — the Belgian who may be behind the Paris attacks (Washington Post, 16 Nov 2015)
58. Putin vows payback after confirmation of Egypt plane bomb (Reuters, 17 Nov 2015)
59. ISIS Has Help Desk for Terrorists Staffed Around the Clock (NBC News, 16 Nov 2015)
60. Islamic State is plotting deadly cyber-attacks – George Osborne (BBC, 17 Nov 2015)
61. Network Graph of ISIS's Claimed attack in Paris (Institute for the Study of War, 15 Nov 2015)
62. Russian Airstrikes in Syria: November 4 – November 15, 2015 (Institute for the Study of War, 16 Nov 2015)
22. Friday 13th: the price France had to pay for doing what’s right! (Al Arabiya, by Faisal J. Abbas, 14 Nov 2015)
23. Why Islamic State targeted France instead of the U.S. (LA Times, by Doyle McManus, 15 Nov Suggested URL24. President Hollande, respond to an ‘act of war’ by going to war (Al Arabiya, by Abdallah Schleifer, 15 Nov 2015)
25. Is ISIS now stronger than ever? (Al Arabiya, by Brooklyn Middleton, 15 Nov 2015)
26. Military responses alone will not defeat ISIL (Al Jazeera, by Rami G. Khouri, 15 Nov 2015)27. Paris must not do what Washington did after 9/11 (Al Arabiya, by Dr. John C. Hulsman, 14 Nov 2015)
28. To Save Paris, Defeat ISIS (New York Times, by Roger Cohen, 14 Nov 2015)29. France’s intelligence failure; Europe’s uphill battle against Islamic State (Times of Israel, by Avi Issacharoff, 14 Nov 2015)
30. Paris attacks underscore risks of a slow U.S. campaign against Islamic State (Washington Post, by Greg Jaffe and Missy Ryan, 14 Nov 2015)
31. Facing evil in Paris and beyond (Washington Post Editorial, 14 Nov 2015)
32. How Belgium Became a Terrorism Hotbed (The Daily Beast, by Nadette De Visser, 15 Nov 2015)
33. How Proxy Wars Work And What That Means for Ending the Conflict in Syria (Foreign Affairs, by Lionel Beehner, 12 Nov 2015)
35. Strategy Shift for ISIS: Inflicting Terror in Distant Lands (New York Times, by Eric Schmitt and David D. Kirkpatrick, 14 Nov 2015)
36. CTC Perspectives – The French Foreign Fighter Threat in Context (CTC, by Daniel Milton, 14 Nov 2015)
37. Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten (New York Times, by Anne Barnard, 15 Nov 2015)
38. Inside Iran’s Secret War in Syria (The Daily Beast, by Adam Rawnsley, 13 Nov 2015)
FULL REPORTS43. Experts: Terrorists learning from one another and going after soft targets (The Washington Post, 15 Nov 2015)