Yoda: Death to Elsevier & Thomson Reuters — Academic Information Breaks Free…

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice

yoda with light saberWho's downloading pirated papers? Everyone

In rich and poor countries, researchers turn to the Sci-Hub website.

John Bohannon, Science, 28 April 2016

To read a 2011 paper in Applied Mathematics and Computation, Rahimi would have to pay the publisher, Elsevier, $28. A 2015 paper in Operations Research, published by the U.S.-based company INFORMS, would cost $30.

Phi Beta Iota: Superb detailed document with maps and links. The time has come to bury Elsevier and Thompson Reuters, and create a completely free (but authenticated) web of science and social science. It would easier if either of the two main companies had a brain — or if Bloomberg cared to grow beyond the failing box and into a World Brain — but regardless of what these companies do, the world is headed toward all information being free online (and peer reviewed at inception and beyond).

See Also:

Berto Jongman: Pirate Science — Are Elsevier & Thompson Reuters Joining Bloomberg in the Tarpit?

Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

ROBERT STEELE: The situation is more complex than the superb Science series presents. Only 1% of all scientific papers ever written actually get published, meaning 99% of the knowledge seeking to be shared “formally” gets any visibility at all.  And since most researchers are both lazy and mono-lingual, the reality is that even within the 1% of the papers that do get published formally, a handful get all the attention and most of the rest are ignored for their lifetime. In their time, Elsevier and Thompson Reuters and several other lesser providers have provided a useful service, but they have all become greedy and unimaginative. A World Brain is needed in which blockchain technology assures the integrity of each work (i.e. a quote is  a quote traceable back to the “set in stone” original); there is an opportunity to link paragraphs and do peer review at the paragraph and citation levels (Doug Englebart conceptualized this as Open Hypertextdocument System or OHS); and eternal persistence is also assured — a digital Library of Congress ideally with automated translation in all languages. I know how to create that, but no one wants to listen.

See Especially:

Robert Steele: Can Thomson Reuters [or Bloomberg] Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain?

See Also:

The Future: Recent “Core” Work by Robert Steele


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