J C. Cole: Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires

Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires Above is an excellent interview with a Dr of Quantum Physics. She spells out clearly the 6th extinction and how it is being done. I suggest you take a listen. The solution, Regeneration International. Local control of healthy food production and seed saving, seed freedom, …

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates & MIT Crimes Against Humanity – Vaccine to Tag Children and Remotely Control Fertility

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children There is a much grander agenda going on. Bill Gates does not want to increase the world population, he was raised to worry about it. Simply put, I find it inconsistent that this guy is really trying to help humanity rather than limit the population …

Ed Jewett: Bill Gates And The Depopulation Agenda – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls For An Investigation

Bill Gates And The Depopulation Agenda – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls For An Investigation Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the …

State of the Nation: Are Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg America’s Top Traitors? Is the Fake Pandemic Their Death Warrant?

The Brothers Grim: Bill and Mike’s Pandemic Panopticon “The Good Club” has been working out a new global economic system, one that is biocapitalist in nature. I talk about it here. Open Society (Soros also a member of the club) paid for the Chicago boys to create neoliberal human capital equations for the coming futures commodity …