Worth A Look: EMF Off! A Call to Consciousness in Our Misguidedly Microwaved World

A unique blend of wisdom, humour, personal experience, hard-hitting science and quantum physics, this book presents a compelling case for a complete rethink of how we live. Backed by an in-depth understanding of human dynamics and spiritual connectedness, it explores the biological, psychological, neurological, emotional, social and environmental impacts of our insatiable hunger for wireless …

Review (Guest): All EMF*d Up (*Electromagnetic Fields): My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning plus How You Can Protect Yourself

After suffering months of unexplained nausea, insomnia, ringing in the ears, fatigue and body aches she consulted with a German doctor to help her figure out what was happening. In her journey to find her own health she learned about the secrecy of government agencies and how evidence of health effects are suppressed. Her diary …