George Por: Future Organizing – Connecting Self and System

Future Organizing: Connecting Self and Systems Transformation Hilary Bradbury, and Bjørn Uldall offer grounded utopian thinking to reimagine the future workplace and with it, organizing in general. Connecting purpose and structures of interpersonal power allows for our human creativity to rise, and with it our capacity as organizational and business leaders to respond sustainably to …

George Por: How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures

How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures Louis Rosenberg This tendency toward “herding” is exacerbated by social media and other modern technologies. We euphemistically call it “trending” or “going viral” but often it’s just a random impulse gone astray, amplifying noise rather than harnessing intelligence. In fact, a brilliant study out of …

George Por: How the Internet’s Collective Human Intelligence Could Outsmart AI

How the Internet’s Collective Human Intelligence Could Outsmart AI Collective intelligence is the opposite of artificial intelligence My idea is to use a universal categorization system that would be very supple like natural language; you can say anything you want to describe a document. You are not obliged by any kind of rule to describe …

George Por: Integral Mindfulness, Wisdom Society, and Collective Sentience

Integral Mindfulness, Wisdom Society, and Collective Sentience: an exploration into the next stage of human consciousness Abstracts of my paper for the Mindfulness & Compassion conference in San Francisco, 3-7 June This contribution to the “Mindfulness & Compassion” conference is focused on where the moral compass of integral mindfulness points. Being integrally mindful is about taking …

George Por: Augmenting the Collective Intelligence of the Ecosystem of Systems Communities – Introduction to the Design of the CI Enhancement Lab (CIEL)

Augmenting the Collective Intelligence of the Ecosystem of Systems Communities: Introduction to the Design of the CI Enhancement Lab (CIEL) George Pór* Director Community Intelligence, London, UK The quality of collective intelligence flowing in and across systems communities of various disciplines, and the fragmentation or connectedness of their mental models of the world, shape their …