Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: At Today’s New Moon Portal, the Staff of Oppression Has Been Laid Down!

The Shift Happened on April 11, 2021 From my perspective: Yesterday I experienced the most powerful planetary shift in my whole career as the captain of the PAT and the driving force of all planetary ascensions as described by the Elohim in the article which I have just translated and published in German and Italian language. Read …

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1951. He finished the local English gram­mar school in 1970. After two years of compulsory military service, he began with the study of infor­ma­tics and electro­nics at the Technical University in Sofia. He had special interests in physics and ma­the­matics. At the same time he was …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: How Mario Draghi Destroyed Italy & Good News

How Mario Draghi Destroyed Italy A Financial Psychogram of the Politician as Chief Criminal Georgi’s Good News: Italy, not the USA, may be the first break-out. A lot depends on Trump at CPAC doing mass revelations.  Regardless, there will almost certainly be an interdimensional shift next month. Georgi’s caution: As you know, we are only …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines What can we expect in the coming days? As I said, it is our thumb rule that each obvious delay of the ascension scenario in the perceived 3D linear time opens the portals to bilocate rapidly onto much higher timelines where …