By MIKE BAKER and BOB LEWIS , 08.19.09, 03:09 AM EDT
The newcomers are caught in a crossfire between their congressional leaders to the left and conservative constituents to the right, and they hold clout that could determine if health care legislation passes – and in what form.
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“I hope the freshmen have their eyes open to what's going on out here – to see that they need to represent the people that put them in office,” he said.
Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comments:
Both of the two-party tyranny sides are flat-out wrong and betraying the public trust. The Democrats are trying to cram through a seriously flawed health bill that does not address three quarters of the problem: healthy lifestyle and environment (preventive health), alternative or natural cures not funded by insurance combined with profit as the priver for the health “industry.” The Republicans are mobilizing frightened ignorant citizens in a manner that is plainly unethical and reminds us of how Newt Gingrich destroyed Jim Wright. This article captures the second kind of corruption in Washington: the unethical demand for “party line voting.” Both parties are wrong, both parties need to be slapped down by Independents, Libertarians, Greens, and moderates from within.