Explore the landscape of large-scale change and map the pathways to a future new world in an intense, hands-on, unprecedented workshop with Don Beck and John Petersen.
Humanity is seeing the growing stress fractures of a global system undergoing extraordinary, historic change. Social systems are surfacing extreme responses to unprecedented threats to the status quo. Titanic shifts in the global financial, climate and energy systems all seem to be conspiring to undermine the effectiveness of almost every historical – and familiar – approach to living on this planet.
This workshop is an unequalled opportunity to learn about the options, potentials, processes, and possibilities related to large scale change.
A Few Links and Reviews (including DNI's Global Trends 2025):

Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Big Future Surprises (2003)
Review: Seven Tomorrows (1982)
Review: Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution
Review: The Upside of Down–Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization