Fraud in Europe's Cap and Trade System a ‘Red Flag,' Critics Say
The top cops in Europe say carbon-trading is an organized crime scheme that has robbed the continent of $7.4 billion — a massive fraud that lawmakers and energy experts say should send a “red flag” to the U.S., which approved cap-and-trade legislation over the summer amid stiff opposition.
How Uncertain Are Estimates of CO2 Emissions?
Can satellite or other remotely sensed data provide independent estimates—or even confirmation of existing estimates—for emissions from power plants, highways, projects, cities, countries, or groups of countries? The answer for now is no; estimates of emissions from fossil fuels are actually one of the best constrained pieces of data in analyzing the global carbon cycle.
Copenhagen: Key questions on climate deal
Amid the chaos and confusion of frantic negotiations on the final night of the summit, what kind of deal actually emerged
Message on climate emotive, but a fraud
THE Copenhagen conference was rightly killed by greed, science fiction and a surfeit of hot air emitted by the 45,000 delegates, rent-seekers and assorted hangers-on, all of whom attempted to defy common sense and cripple the global economy.
Mass insanity in Copenhagen
A good definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. In that sense, the approach of the United Nations in Copenhagen to addressing climate change has been insane.
As they did 12 years ago in Kyoto, Japan, world leaders have apparently jammed together an eleventh-hour deal in an atmosphere of manufactured hysteria and artificial deadlines. This is a farcical way to deal with what these leaders claim is an existential threat to mankind. Whatever they've agreed to has nothing to do with cooling our planet.
Phi Beta Iota: We know one thing for certain, that the science was manipulated and that a total lack of integrity among all parties associated with the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has not only called climate change science into question, but tarnished the good name of science overall. We speculate that Maruice Strong, Al Gore, and the now known crimnal syndicate in Europe are all using carbon trades as a form of phantom wealth that is in turn a form of fraud such as recently brought down the US economy. Furthermore, we know that a more responsible United Nations body, the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change, has prioritized Environmental Degradation as #3 of 10 after Poverty and Infectious Disease. Climate Change is a tiny part of Environmental Degradation, and carbon emissions in turn are a tiny part of Climate Change.