Reference: COIN Planning & Knowledge

Home Page

In accordance with our mandate to “help connect the dots” across multiple joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational partners, the COIN Center and SO & SFA proponent offices are redoubling efforts to increase presence and activity on the COIN webpage [link here], COIN blog [link here], COIN Center Facebook fan page [link here] and Battle Command Knowledge System (for CAC holders) [link here].

Below are just three of the core represences being used in MNF-I's schoolhouse.  The military likes checklists and easy to understand, one reason the “Dynamic Planning Model” was called a “bird's nest” not useful to anyone on the ground–which is correct: it is supposed to be used for strategic level planning, programming, and budgeting, but the US Government does not “do” inter-agency strategic anything.

Strategy Checklist (1 Page)

Key Factors ASCOPE Table (1 Page)

Reconstruction Task Tables (54 Pages)

Phi Beta Iota: Put bluntly, neither COIN nor Stabilization & Reconstruction will ever be viable propositions until DoD implements the recommendations of both the 9-11 Commission (an Open Source Agency, but under diplomatic and civil affairs auspices, funded and operated by DoD) and the Defense Science Board's December 2004 Transitions to and from Hostilities (the OSINT portions were written by Dr. Joe Markowitz), the single persistent senior authority still associated with the U.S. Government.

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