Male Star is Solid–Ready for Prime Time Movies, May 10, 2010
Mark Valley
I had no idea this was a television series when someone loaned me the DVD, nor am I completely used to the idea that I am seeing stuff before it gets released on Amazon–but glad that Amazon allows those of us so privileged to add comments now instead of waiting for the material to be shipped from what is obviously a delayed system.
The star of this TV series is every bit as good as the best of the James Bond actors, and I give him very high marks for combining a physical presence with a mental calmness and a human touch that is rare in this kind of setting. His two co-stars are superb as well, and I for one am absolutely ready to see his trio offered in a prime time movie and then some.
See also:
Quantum of Solace
From Paris With Love
XXX (Full Screen Special Edition)