This conference will bring together antiwar and social justice activists from across the country to consider what we can do together to end the U.S. wars, occupations, bombing attacks, threats and interventions that are taking place in the Middle East and beyond. Attend and voice your opinion on where the antiwar movement is today and where we go from here.
We demand the immediate and total withdrawal of U.S. military forces, mercenaries and contractors from Afghanistan and Iraq. Instead of trillions for wars and occupations, we demand those funds be spent for jobs, health care, education, the environment, infrastructure and other human needs, and that compensation be paid to the peoples whose countries the U.S. attacked and occupied for the loss of lives and massive destruction they suffered.
The conference will decide on any other demands it believes should be added.
Our goal is unity in action while respecting our diversity and differences in political program and orientation.
Conference Site: Albany Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ten State and Lodge Streets, Albany, NY 12207.
+ Video – Ethan McCord recounts aftermath of Iraqi civilian massacre | UNPC 7/24/2010