Event: 8-10 Oct 2010, Brooklyn NY, 7th Annual Conflux Festival (Psychogeography)

Augmented Reality, Geospatial, info-graphics/data-visualization
Event link (accepting submissions phase)

Conflux is the annual New York festival for contemporary psychogeography, the investigation of everyday urban life through emerging artistic, technological and social practice. At Conflux, visual and sound artists, writers, urban adventurers and the public gather for four days to explore their urban environment.

Participants in Conflux share an interest in psychogeography. Projects range from interpretations of the classical approach developed by the Situationists to emerging artistic, conceptual, and technology-based practices. At Conflux, participants, along with attendees and the public, put these investigations into action on the city streets. The city becomes a playground, a laboratory and a space for civic action in the development of new networks and communities. Here are examples of events we feature:

  • exploratory drifts/dérives on foot or by bike, subway, bus or other transport
  • walks with experimental mapping or navigation techniques
  • social/environmental/urban research and fieldwork
  • workshops and classes
  • temporary outdoor installations/interventions
  • interactive performance projects
  • street games
  • mobile-tech/locative media projects
  • micro-blogging, micro-radio, podcasting, video-blogging and other broadcast proposals
  • alternative use/re-use of public space
  • projects proposing alternative/experimental/DIY cultures, economies, communities, and artistic initiatives
  • lectures, multimedia presentations and panel discussions
  • short film/video works
  • live audio/video projects
Conflux weblog

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
