Medard Gabel, #2 to Buckminster Fuller in creating the analog World Game, is a founding member of the board of Earth Intelligence Network (EIN), a 501c3 Public Charity, and has devised the preliminary architecture and cost estimate for creating the EarthGame, which we trademarked in his name.
Click on the logo below to read his two-page estimate, subject to inflation adjustment, of what it would take to create an EarthGame with “true cost” information on all elements and universal participation by all humans. This is infinitely scalable.

The complete concept, unrealized and lacking funding amidst the global financial meltdown, is centered on the creation of a World Brain in which the EarthGame is the primary public policy-budgteting dialog tool, and all individuals are able to use hand-hell cell phones to both access all information in all languages all the time; and to play themselves at all levels, local to global (panarchy is the opposite of anarchy).
We seek a sponsor in creating the World Brain Institute with a starting budget of $12 million a year. See the planning document and preliminary budget by clicking on the logo below.