Journal: Chinese Super-Computing…

02 China, Research resources, Technologies

China's ‘big hole' marks scale of supercomputing race

1,000 U.S. scientists are involved in exascale development, but China and Europe have stepped up their investment, IBM warns

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Computerworld – WASHINGTON — To make a point about China's interest in supercomputing, David Turek, IBM's vice president of deep computing, displayed a slide with a picture depicting a large construction site for a building that will house a massive computer.

Speaking at an IEEE-USA forum here on Thursday, Turek pointed to a photo (below) of a supercomputing center being built in Shenzhen, China, and said, “That's a truck — that's a big truck, that's a big hole, and that's going to be a big building. And that's only the first building they are going to build there.”

Phi Beta Iota: Michael O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institute got it right years ago–the ONLY revolutionary technology at the time, and still today, is C4I but better called C2I today because command & control is dead: communication, computing, and intelligence (decision-support, not secrets).  Energy revolutions are coming along, including paintable solar energy molecules, but C2I is where it's at for now.  CISCO continues to refuse to create cradle to cradle routers that also deliver Application Oriented Network (AON) ownership and rule making to the point of creation, so this is one big need we have; the other is a complete open source software suite of tools that delivers the eighteen functionalities defined by CATALYST et al in 1985-1989.  Finally, but actually first, we want free reliable simple cell phones for the five billion poor.  THAT is the super-computer of now and ever.

Tip of the Hat to Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn.

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