Open Source Ecology
Building tools for replicable, open source, post-scarcity resilient communities
We are farmer scientists – working to develop a world class research center for decentralization technologies using open source permaculture and technology to work together for providing basic needs and self replicating the entire operation at the cost of scrap metal. We seek societal transformation through interconnected self-sufficient villages and homes. This is a stepping stone to transcending survival and evolving to freedom. Factor e Farm is the land-based facility where we put this theory, Open Source Ecology, into practice.
See below as a scalable PowerPoint 97-2003

Tip of the Hatto Brandin Watson via email.
2009 Briefing: Open Everything at UNICEF in NYC
2007 Open Everything: We Won, Let’s Self-Govern
Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education