Viable Solutions Instead of Platitudes–In Public Service,
Allan J. Yeomans
This 492 page book is the work of a a seriious pioneer in Australia who decided that the public could use a serious book with serious solutions, instead of the range of platitudes, fear-mongering, or outright misrepresentation (energy companies like Exxon lying about the facts).
It is an over-size book that ships from the USA and reached me in a few days instead of the 4-6 weeks that Amazon shows. It is very well laid out, two-column, 12 chapters, listing 50 specific local, national, and global strategies that can be implemented today. I regard this book as the graduate school equivalent of “50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth.”
What I find especially powerful about this book is that it focuses less on the industrial undermining of the atmosphere, and more on agriculture, which suffers from a range of problems including top soil rather than deep root farming, very unwise use of toxic chemcials that pollute aquifers (while failing to separate animal feces from water feeding into spinach fields, as the US found to its horror recently).
The author also does a superb job of pointing out that global warming is an ENERGY problem as much as it is an emissions problem. It is down-right nuts for the US to contront Iran over the need for nuclear energy while pretending that the US is not the primary proliferator of both nuclear technologies and the weapons of death. Safe nuclear energy as well as many forms of renewalbe solar and wind energy, and portable energy such as hydrogen from water using a renewable energy to make it effective, are all with us now.
Bottom line: this book should be in every educational program that seeks to understand solutions, and this book should be required reading for everyone that respects “Inconvenient Truth.” This book is the book you read after you agree with Al Gore, and recognize that he is summarizing, very eloquently, the problem, without actually providing any solutions.
Winston Churchill, God-Father of the English-speaking peoples, is smiling down at Allan Yeomans, the author and self-financed publisher of this volume–he's fighting the real war for our future, rather than the false war against terrorism.
A book like this would normally sell for US$75 or so, but the author, as a public service, ordered it to be priced close to cost plus Amazon commision plus shipping from Australia, and only recently found a US distributor so the book could be listed in the world's single greatest library catalog,
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