16 May 2011
BAHRAIN: How radical are Bahrain's Shia?
EGYPT: Could Egypt's revolution become mirage in the desert?
IRAN-BAHRAIN: Iranian ships carrying aid to Bahrain turned back in Persian Gulf
IRAN-SYRIA: ‘Nakba' clashes: Iran, Syria trying to turn Arab Spring fury into attacks on Israel?
ISRAEL: The Arab Revolution is knocking at Israel's door

LEBANON-SYRIA: Syrian soldiers who defected to Lebanon are arrested
LEBANON-SYRIA: Hundreds flee Syria crackdown to Lebanon
PALESTINE: Arab spring puts Palestine back on agenda
PALESTINE-ISRAEL-MALAYSIA: Malaysian aid ship to Palestine attacked by Israeli naval forces
SYRIA: Syria: mass grave found in Dera'a
SYRIA: Bashar Assad Is Almost Illegitimate
YEMEN: Yemeni MPs establish coalition to support revolution for change
Past Dots Below the Line; Basics on Revolution At the End
ALGERIA: Algeria to free jailed militants: Islamist leaders
ALGIERS (Reuters) – Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika will soon release several thousand Islamists from prison to help draw a line under a conflict that killed an estimated 200,000 people, two prominent Islamists told Reuters.
BAHRAIN: West’s duplicity in Bahrain
BAHRAIN: ‘Hundreds held' in Bahrain crackdown
BAHRAIN: Robert Fisk: Why no outcry over these torturing tyrants?
EGYPT: Show of interfaith unity in Cairo
EGYPT: Egypt's foreign minister chosen to head Arab League
JORDAN: 19 hurt as Jordan police disperse activists marking Nakba
LIBYA: Libya war paves way for deadly migrant boat trips
LIBYA: AU fails in bid to strike deal on Libya conflict
LIBYA: UN in new bid for Libya truce
LIBYA: Biggest company says no oil until Libyan war ends
MOROCCO: Police attack protesters in Morocco
PALESTINE: Divide and rule in Palestine
SYRIA: Obama’s inexcusable indecision on Syria
SYRIA: Protesters demand accountability before talks with Assad regime
SYRIA: Targeted Arrests of Activists Across Country
Phi Beta Iota: Bahrain and Syria are “favorites” of the US Government, the one for its hospitality to a very large US military logistics presence, the other for rendition and torture and side deals here and there. Meanwhile, NATO bombs Libya without a declaration of war and targets its leader for assassination by bombing. It never seems to occur to NATO “leaders” that bombing a country into dysfunctionality is certain to send tens of thousands of displaced persons north into a European Union “border” that is out of control at the same time that it stops Libyan oil production and export. Iran is delusional in thinking that the Arab Spring is enhancing its influence, but the US is outrageously immoral and ineffective in failing to nurture the youth and their secular thirst for dignity, and in failing to execute Ambassador Mark Palmer's brilliant plan to give all dictators a legal ethical exit strategy in Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025. Meanwhile, everyone is ignoring the Assisi Peace Summit scheduled for October 2011, when that could in fact be the best means of validating and sustaining the gains for dignity and democracy in the Middle East, by forging inter-faith alliances against secular corruption.

14 May 2011
BAHRAIN: ‘Nothing can stop Bahraini protesters'
BAHRAIN: Activist describes electroshock, torture by government forces
BAHRAIN: In Bahrain, A Candlelight Vigil can Land You in Jail
BAHRAIN: ‘Mass sackings' in Bahrain crackdown
BELARUS: Belarus opposition leader jailed over protests
EGYPT: ‘Egyptians facing counter-revolution plot'
EGYPT: Egypt revolution followed by conflict between Christians and Muslims
LEBANON: Lebanon's Parliament Speaker: No Cabinet in the Horizon
LIBYA: Libyan opposition leader meets French president after Washington visit
OMAN: Army descends on protest camp, arrests demonstrators

PALESTINE: Why I blew the whistle about Palestine
PALESTINE-EGYPT: Egyptian convoy to support Palestine leaves Tahrir
SAUDI ARABIA: Saudis denounce Bahrain occupation
SUDAN SOUTH: Building South Sudan through Information-Led Development Strategy
SYRIA: Syrian Army Retaliates After Protest, Activists Say
YEMEN: Envoy Arrives As Casualties Rise in Yemen
Phi Beta Iota: The US Government (USG) is complicit in the Bahrain crack-down; the US presence in Bahrain is unwarranted, expensive, and an explicit reinforcement of one of the 42 dictators the USG loves to love. With respect to Libya, we doubt the Libyan rebels have any idea of the real reasons why France and the US want to leverage them to end the Gadhafi regimes independence with wanton violations of its sovereignty, violations that could also be construed as war crimes by NATO–there is a huge moral as well as legal difference between air space control and direct attacks on regime leadership locations. This would be a good time for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to read Ambassador Mark Palmer's righteous book, Review: Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025.
13 May 2011
ALGERIA: 7 Algerian soldiers killed by militants in gunbattle; 3 attackers also dead
BAHRAIN: Activists decry U.S. silence on Bahrain's crackdown
BAHRAIN: Bahrain indifferent to international criticism
BAHRAIN: Gulf state troops to remain in Bahrain in 2011
CANADA: Stronach calls for ‘revolution’ in Canada
CHINA: Jasmine Flower Sales Monitored by Nervous Chinese Authorities
EGYPT: Egypt's former first lady hospitalized after detention order
GCC: Arab dynasties lure Jordan, Morocco into anti-Iran bloc
LIBYA: Gadhafi Says NATO Cannot Reach Him
LIBYA: Libyan Opposition Leader: The Revolution Is Led By ‘New Breed Of Generations'
MOROCCO: Morocco to craft youth charter
PALESTINE: 63 Nakba: Protests Erupt throughout Palestine
Today protests ignited throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem, jumpstarting the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba on 15 May. 63 years ago, approximately 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes to make way for the creation of the state of Israel with a Jewish majority.
SYRIA: Syria's revolution of love
TUNISIA: Tunisia under pressure to stick to vote timetable
TUNISIA: Italy sends 4 frigates to Tunisia to help in efforts to fight illegal immigration to Europe
UGANDA: Women's groups, lawyers join Walk to Work protests
USA: Ron Paul and the Love Revolution of 2012
YEMEN: With democracy in mind, Yemen's youth are leading the revolt
YEMEN: Yemen's Death Spiral: How the Economy and the Military Will Play

12 May 2011
ALGERIA: Algeria's rising tide of youth rebellion will not go away yet
AMNESTY urges backing for Arab Spring ‘human rights revolution'
ARABIA: Reversals challenge hope of Arab Spring
EGYPT: Counter-revolution and sectarian strife
EGYPT: A conspiracy against Egypt
LIBYA: Expats leave good life behind to join Libyan revolution
LIBYA: Looting Libya: Insider View of Reasons for War….
MOROCCO: Heading For A Make Or Break Moment
SYRIA: In Damascus, dreams of a revolution amid fears of defeat
SYRIA: Revolution near for Syria
TUNISIA: Democracy’s Dawn in Tunisia and Egypt?
YEMEN: The youth will win in Yemen
YEMEN: Yemen’s Revolution: Personal Agendas or People’s Will?

11 May 2011
CHINA: As fears of revolution grow, China rules that jasmine flowers must not
EGYPT: Chaos and counter-revolution in Egypt
EGYPT: The Cost of Egypt’s Revolution?
LIBYA: After nearly 2 weeks out of sight, Gadhafi appears on Libyan TV
MOROCCO: Despite unrest, tourists still loving Morocco

PALESTINE: An improbable leader’s unrelenting quest for a state of Palestine
PALESTINE: Hamas to Israel: 1 year to recognize ‘Palestine,' or else
PALESTINE: Breaking the Gaza Embargo and Israeli Piracy
UKRAINE: Nearly 8 Years After the ‘Orange Revolution,' Ukraine Runs Into Reversals
YEMEN: Forces Fire on Yemeni Protesters in 3 Cities
YEMEN: Yemen's Revolution Youth Announce Final Strategy to Force Saleh out of power
ARABIA: Is Arabia Outshining America? The Arab Spring Causing Reverse Immigration
ARABIA: Old certainties totter in face of Arab Spring
ARABIA: What can rescue the Arab Spring?
ARABIA: ‘Arab Spring' has yet to alter region's strategic balance
CHINA: Writer falls victim to revolution
CUBA: Cuban Government Rejects New Smear Campaign against the Revolution
GULF: Gulf bloc to consider Jordan, Morocco membership
ISRAEL: Israel braces for ‘Nakba Day'
KOREAS: Lee says N. Korea cannot defy pro-democracy uprising
LEBANON: Situation in Syria bound up with stability in Lebanon: analysts
LIBYA: Who's in charge? Sorting out Libya's rebel armies
LIBYA: Nato is fuelling Libya's humanitarian crisis
LIBYA: NATO Bombs Strike Tripoli; Rebels Advance in Misrata
MOROCCO: Qaeda denies involvement in Morocco cafe bomb attack
Phi Beta Iota: The Bin Laden Show is expected to include false flag terror incidents around the world as part of the military-industrial campaign to avoid long-needed draconian cuts in intelligence, defense, and homeland security, all of them antonyms to their actual performance.
MOROCCO: Moroccans adamant about reform
MOROCCO: Women in Morocco are losing ground to tradition, prejudice and male greed
PALESTINE: EU lawmakers pledge to take part in new Gaza flotilla
PALESTINE: Protest a tough sell among Palestinians
The reasons for the reluctance to hit the streets, many conclude, are that Palestinians are cynical about prospects of ending the Israeli occupation and skeptical their leaders can make the difference.
SYRIA: US closer to declaring Assad’s rule in Syria illegitimate
Phi Beta Iota: The US Government has a playbook, of this there is no doubt, but it also has no understanding what-so-ever of the digital natives that are catalyzing this revolution. US private deals with the Muslim Brotherhood and others dishonor and betray the youth whose secular instincts are precisely those most needed.
SYRIA: Iran's unwanted revolution
SYRIA ‘tortures activists to access their Facebook pages'
TUNISIA: Tunisia Seen As Laboratory For Arab Democracy

9 May 2011
EGYPT: Egyptians discover their struggle was hijacked
EGYPT: Religious conflict becomes the revolution’s biggest enemy
SUDAN: Elections in South Kordofan may spark revolution in Sudan
SYRIA: Scores arrested as Syrian forces seek to crush protests
TUNISIA: Working in the heart of a bloodless revolution
UGANDA: A Troubling Crackdown In Uganda
8 May 2011
ALGERIA: Reporter shot dead in Algerian militant stronghold
BAHRAIN: Bahrain repeals emergency law while putting opposition on trial
EGYPT: Thousands gather for conference to ‘protect the revolution'
EGYPT: Violence between Islam & Coptic Christians
IRAN: Conflict ‘paralyzes' Iran
MOROCCO: Thousands demand reform in Morocco rallies
PALESTINE: Palestine is ripe for a revolution
PALESTINE: ‘Egyptian revolution inspires hope in Palestine’
SYRIA: Syria crackdown ‘killing flame’ of revolution
TUNISIA: Tunis police break up fourth day of protest
ALGERIA: 5 soldiers killed, 5 others injured in roadside bombing
BAHRAIN: Suppression of Protesters Continues
BAHRAIN: Lost $2 Billion Due to Unrest
EGYPT: Anger and chaos in meeting to ‘protect revolution’
IRAN: Power Struggle Enters the Mosque
LIBYA: Libyan forces destroy key fuel supply in Misurata
LIBYA: Gaddafi steps up attacks across Libya: rebels

MOROCCO: Caught between terror and the king
SYRIA: Security forces kill three women
SYRIA: 26 dead in “day of defiance”
TUNISIA: Violence and censorship fuel tensions
YEMEN: opposition calls for withdrawal of power transition plan
YEMEN: women out of the shadows

6 May 2011
$50 cap would stop ‘food riots'
‘Arab Spring' meets twilight of the West
Brits, Americans take to the streets, not to fight for freedom but to celebrate royalty and death.
Summary of the American and International Press on the Libyan Revolution
Police crack down as hundreds protest in Maldives
Syrians defy crackdown, stage widespread protests
Glimpses of the Tunisian Revolution – Challenges, Transformation And Politics
Tunisian coup warning triggers street protests

UGANDA: Two killed as food riots rock Kampala
Yemen’s best hidden secret: the women behind the revolution
Yemenis stage new mass protest to oust president
Why are world food prices rocketing?

5 May 2011
‘Yemen regime turning to Gaddafi tactics'
Syrian revolution far from grassroots
International finance presses for counter-revolution in Tunisia

4 May 2011
Syria protesters vow to stay firm on ‘revolution'
Phi Beta Iota: The general ignorance of the West at this moment in history is deeply disturbing. This is the second wave of modern public liberation (the first wave being Eastern Europe), and the West is unintelligent, incoherent, and lacking in holistic integrity.
‘Saudi Women Revolution' makes a stand for equal rights
As election centers across Saudi Arabia opened on April 23 for voters to register for forthcoming municipal elections, groups of women turned up asking to take part. As expected, they were turned away — women will not be able to stand or vote in September's municipal elections — but just by showing up they had made their point.
Phi Beta Iota: The education and liberation of women has, over the course of history, been the single most influential factor in the advance of civilization. In combination with free cell phone/virtual Internet access for every person on the planet, this is core to the non-violent non-zero solution for the Earth as a Whole.

Anarchy: Uganda cannot sustain a North African style of revolution
Crackdown on Uganda Protests Sparks Rumblings of a Revolution
The safe road or path of regret for the Egyptian revolution
Egyptian Facebook activists visit MIT, representing a new non-violent movement in the Middle East.
Phi Beta Iota: Alvin Toffler said it first: (disseminated) information is a substitute for violence and a creator of revolutionary wealth. The pen is mightier than the sword, but only when it is shared.
1 May 2011
Algerian minister US-bound for talks on N.African unrest
Algeria: dozens of unemployed demonstrate at “1st May Square”
‘Military intervention in Bahrain threatens Saudi security’
Shia in Bahrain: Repression and regression
Burkina Faso Labor Union Threatens Protests Over Prices, Wages
Egypt: Workers push for independent union movement on Labor Day
Libyan crowds attack diplomatic outposts after airstrike kills Kadafi's kin
NATO Accused Of Overstepping Libya Mandate After Airstrike Reportedly Kills Gaddafi's Son
West accused of double standards over Arabs
In Syria's rebel city ‘they will shoot anything that moves'
Syrian demonstrators vow week of protests to break siege at Dera'a
U.S., Israel behind Syria unrest: Iranian diplomat
Turkey's FM warns against international intervention in Syria
Turkey formulates ‘Plan B' for refugees: making safe havens in Syria
Anarchy: Uganda cannot sustain a North African style of revolution
Yemen unrest: Deal postponed as Saleh refuses to sign

29 April 2011
The west's silence over Bahrain smacks of double standards
Bahrain cleric: Death sentences deepen tensions
Bahrain worshippers protest death sentences
A political revolution in Canada?
Is the Fatah-Hamas agreement a new revolution?
Fatah-Hamas deal fruit of Egyptian revolution: Iran FM
The Mubaraks' journey to the bottom
Iran Suddenly Turns Silent As Protests Spread In Syria
Military presence halts protests in Iraq's Kurdistan
Days of Rage: Protests and Repression in Iraq
Report: Protests resume in Tripoli
Freedom now rings from one mountaintop radio station in western Libya
Syria: The Revolution Continues (Video)
Syrians continue to protest as unrest spreads to Damascus
Protests over Ugandan opposition leader's treatment leave two dead
Massive rally in Yemen urges Saleh to go
28 April 2012
Bahrain military court condemns 4 protesters to death
Burkina Faso Riot Police Join Wave of Protests After Government Dissolved
Egypt's revolution brings new players to move Palestinian pieces into place
Reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas is partly the result of efforts of members of the post-Mubarak government
Gadhafi Steels for Drawn-Out Fight
Syria: ‘Renewed shooting' in Deraa and other cities
Report: Civilian Deaths In Syria Protests Rise To 500
Uganda walk-to-work protests kick up dust
Both Uganda's protesters and its government draw lessons from Egypt revolution
[P]GCC ignores Yemeni ‘revolution'
Has US policy catalysed Yemen unrest?

26 April 2011
Google executive Wael Ghonim takes sabbatical to fight poverty, foster education in Egypt
Of Tunisian fruit seller and financial democracy
ARAB Revolution 2.0 opens an interesting closed window of opportunity for financial inclusion of the devout.
Gadhafi Forces Pound Misrata Port, 3 Migrant Workers Dead

Syria extends military crackdown
Syrian dictator goes to war against … Syria
NATO, No Fly Zone for Syria, Yemen, Bahrain?
Scattered Yemen Protests Continue Despite Transition Accord
Bahraini medical centres and schools ‘raided'
Bahrain soccer players detained, clubs shut
Rebellion: Smashing stereotypes of Arab women
Al Jazeera Launches Its Great Social Media Experiment
USA: The Gary Johnson Wild Card
24 April 2011
Algerian opposition figure found dead
Bahrain Opposition Accuses Government of Demolishing 30 [Shi'ite] Mosques
Egypt: Unity efforts intensifying
Egypt: Reaching Palestinian National Unity is Essential for Achieving Statehood
Armed Forces send Easter greetings and reassurances to egypt's Christians
IRAN: MP: Regional Nations Bear Tyrannical Rulers No More
IRAQ: Stop the Slow Torture and Killing of Women and Ill in Ashraf
Libya: western leaders call for Nato to assassinate Gaddafi
Libya: Regime forces batter Misrata hours after claiming siege on hold
Thousands of Moroccans stage new protests to demand political change
57 dead in Southern Sudan violence
Thousands flee clashes in south Sudan oil state
Syrian Forces Detain Activists in Sweeps After Protests
Yemen in Crisis: Last Impasse Before the Storm?
Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due
McCain visits rebels, Libya adjusts Misrata tactics
Yemeni president welcomes Gulf plan, vowing to face opposition's challenge
Post-revolution, Egypt tourism remains in disarray
Tunisians wonder what happened to their revolution
USA: Talking Revolution: The New Elderly Generation can Provide the Spark for an American Rising
Yemen: Gulf bloc offers Ali Abdullah Saleh new proposal
The Middle East's oldest dictatorship [Israel Over Palestine]
Arab Upheaval ‘An Appetizer For What's To Come'
The Revolution’s Missing Peace by Abdulla Gul
Violent Trucker Fuel Protests In Shanghai
Ban on Baghdad street protests angers Iraqis
Ugandan Food Protests Grow Violent
The Libyan Revolution Will Not Be Prioritized
The Syrian revolution on campus
‘Great Friday': Is Syria on the brink of revolution?
Anti and Pro Government Protests to be Held in all Yemen's Provinces
Egypt revolt star tops Time's 100 most influential
Egyptian protests against appointment of Christian governor
Tunisian revolution triggered migrant exodus to Italy
Cambodian police crack down on rally in capital
Activist Warns of Dire Outcomes of Suppression of Bahraini Revolution
In Egypt, Revolution Moves Into The Factories
Allies Send Military Advisers, Equipment to Toughen Libya Rebels
Inside Story: US funding Syrian opposition?
Phi Beta Iota: CIA is good at throwing money around, bag-men scuttling in and out of official installations. What CIA is not good at–and what the Pentagon and the Department of State and Agency for International Development have not learned how to nurture–is “liberation technology.” Almost two months after the start of the MENA populist revolution, the US Government still has no idea that it can open up collect call satellite communications, provide satellite wi-fi, enable low-risk neighborhood communications, hand out $169 adapters that convert any cell phone into a satellite phone, or show people how to do steganography across Flickr, Amazon, and so on. Agile, they are not.
TAJIKISTAN: Rakhmon rules out revolution, promises energy independence
NORTH KOREA: No ‘revolution' in the Hermit Kingdom
Cuba: Viva the capitalist revolution?
USA: Libertarian-leaning Paul brings ‘revolution' to Miss.
USA: GOP boss praises ‘cheesehead revolution' in Wis.
Phi Beta Iota: There is nothing revolutionary in the Tea Party, the Republican Party, or the Libertarian Party, for the simple reason that they are playing on the margins of the two-party tyranny and not at all serious about empowering all of the people all of the time [see Seven Promises].

19 April 2012
Israel Won’t Collapse Peacefully But It Will Dissolve: Dr. Franklin Lamb
Democracy pushback in Egypt: revolution was the starting point, not finish line
Egyptian revolution broke backbone of U.S., Israel: Larijani
Egypt Revolution’s Second Phase Even More Crucial
As Yemenis run low on gas and food, revolution could take off
Saudi youth call for Revolution Day demos on Friday
Has the North African Revolution Reached Burkina Faso in West Africa?
Revolt in China only a matter of time: analyst
Jasmine In The Middle Kingdom: Autopsy Of China’s (Failed) Revolution
In Syria, protesters push to end decades of isolation
The Arab Spring and the Saudi Counter-Revolution
There has long been bad blood between Iran and Saudi Arabia, but popular protests across the Middle East now threaten to turn the rivalry into a tense and dangerous regional divide.
14 Algerian soldiers die in attack
Hundreds in Tunisia protest political exclusion
Egypt court dissolves Mubarak's former ruling party
Yemeni women insist: ‘We will not remain silent'
Bahrain arrests prominent lawyer, doctors: opposition
Syrian revolution spreads, with largest protests yet
Egypt will see this revolution through
Jasmine Revolution fails to blossom
There are now substantial, continuing pro-reform popular protests in only five of the 19 states of the Middle East and North Africa: Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria.
The Final Stages of the Nigerian Revolution
Twitter and Facebook fuel a new type of political revolution
Women, children join protests in Syria; Yemeni rivals clash
In Swaziland, heavy crackdown beats back Egypt-inspired protests
Three days of protests took Swaziland – Africa's last absolute monarch – by surprise. Police and the Army fired tear gas and water cannons to control 1,000 protesting teachers and students.
As cries for revolution fade, Bahrainis wonder what went wrong
The demonstrations demanding democracy began with great promise, but they fizzled amid harsh crackdowns, leaving increased tension between Sunnis and Shiites.
A Guide To Protests In Middle East, North Africa by NPR Staff and Wires
Recommended: Tracking The Unrest–Roll over countries for details.
Robert Fisk: ‘The Arab awakening began not in Tunisia this year, but in Lebanon in 2005'
Ousted Tunisian President Ben Ali Faces 18 Charges
Egypt's revolution: Staggering in the right direction
When AK-47s meet mobile phones: Syria's web activists
Egyptian revolution encourages American youth

13 April 2011
Mubarak's arrest a watershed moment for Egypt [Dick Cheney next?]
10,000 Yemeni forces defect from government, join protesters: official
Syrian Revolution – Peaceful against all odds!
Syrian students mount protests in Aleppo, capital
Naomi Wolf: ‘I Want My Al Jazeera'
Arab revolution may just be a mirage, warns Clinton at US-Islamic forum
We don't make this stuff up. Evidently the USA Fraud Blow-Out is Not “Corruption”
Saudi Arabia and counter-revolution in the Arab spring
Report: Protesters ignite Saudi embassy in Tehran
PAKISTAN: Shahbaz for revolution through education
One man’s revolution is another’s political expediency
Tough transition for Tunisia after revolution
The Arab Revolution Will Not Be Televised in Latin America
11 April 2011
USA: Author Warns of Schoolhouse “Revolution”
Yemeni MP: Revolution Continues despite Suppression
Tunisian revolution yet to solve inequality
Tensions cloud relations between Egypt's revolution and army
Ethiopia: The Revolution That Never Was
Oromia/Ethiopia: Message is Clear – Zenawi & Regime Must Go Now
Kazakhstan plans two-party system via “revolution from above”
Two-party tyranny, two-party theater, same-same.
Arab League to ask UN to impose no-fly zone over Gaza
PAKISTAN: Altaf terms rally in Punjab ‘onset of revolution’
Egypt’s Second Revolution: Military kills protesters in Tahrir Square
US doubts air power can turn Libyan tide
Syria death toll growing, human rights groups warn
Ivory Coast: Ouattara troops prepare for push to control Abidjan
Yemen: Gulf states hold meeting for President Saleh's removal
China shuts off debate on 1911 revolution
USA The Tea Party Revolution Continues
USA Chomsky talks fear in western society
Oromia/Ethiopia: Diaspora Uprising May Spark the Revolution in Ethiopia
INDIA The scent of ‘middle class' revolution
Libya: Getting it Right – A Revolutionary Pan-African Perspective
How Revolution Became the Only Possibility in Libya
On Facebook and Twitter, spreading revolution in Syria
Post-Revolution Tunisia Faces Economic Woes
Hero of Egypt’s Revolution, Military Now Faces Critics
Our revolution's doing what Saleh can't – uniting Yemen
The NPR Controversy You Missed: Guest Calls for Egyptian Style “Revolution” in U.S.
Libya needs referendum, say United Nations
Libya: Western imperialism tries to steer direction of the revolution
Libyan Opposition Prepares to Export Oil as Rebels Push Forward
Egypt’s ‘Save The Revolution’ Movement Splits Muslim Brotherhood
‘Syrian Revolution’ calls for nationwide protests on Tuesday
China stamps out the Jasmine Revolution: A return to 1989?
Morocco undergoing “revolution,” premier tells Charles

2 April 2011
Struggling to Restart Egypt's Stalled Revolution
Ivory Coast's well-armed rebels making quick work of revolution
More than 200 arrests to quell the “jasmine revolution” in China
“Continuing Revolution” Tea Party Rally Raises Questions

Yemen protesters clash with police
JMP Vision for Power Transfer Underway in Yemen
Gwynne Dyer: Libyans must provide their own democratic revolution
COMMENT: The West is playing with fire in Libya
Libyan revolution is worth the fight, say battle-torn families
Syria uprising: Dissidents seized from their homes
Suspected al-Qaida militants seize town in Yemen
Protester killed and 120 wounded in Jordan protests
In Syria, Tension and Grief After Protests and Official Retaliation
Post-referendum: Egypt chooses orderly revolution
Failed states: Where life is cheap and talk is loose
March for the Alternative sends a noisy message to the government
2012 U.S. Budget Priorities: Funding Nuclear Energy and Bombs vs. Dire Community Needs
Razing Arizona: A ‘Failed State’
Israel accused of ‘A Form of Ethnic Cleansing'
25 March 2011
Recommended Reading for the Secretary of State:
Review: Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025
YEMEN: The oppressed need real revolution, not replication
Syria protests: How secure is President Assad?
SYRIA: Hoping to avoid revolution, Syrian government promises political reforms
Libya crisis: Big stakes for a rump state
Libyan rebels enter Ajdabiya town
EGYPT: A revolution unifies a divided society
EGYPT: Revolution by half?
US “Intelligence”: Intelligence Agencies Want to Use Google Trends to Track the Next Revolution
Phi Beta Iota: In 1979 Joe Markowitz, who went on to be a decent director of the Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO), was doing a CIA analytic study on how to predict and evaluate revolution. He was given the thesis on predicting revolution by Robert Steele. Despite his good efforts, it is obvious that CIA and DIA have learned nothing since 1979. To think that Google Trends might be useful, when there is zero in the way of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) that is actually multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and historically grounded, merely illuminates the total vacuum at the top of US intelligence–with a handful of exceptions being kept in isolation, most US intelligence “leaders” are budget clerks that never actually learned how to “do” intelligence. They move money. They waste money. They are never held accountable. We can do much better at a third of the cost.

24 March 2011
Egypt’s Facebook revolution faces identity crisis (photos)
Egypt's revolutionaries say abusive treatment persists (video)
Lest the revolution turn into a wasted opportunity
Leading the Revolution with Wireless
Ngmoco's Young: West Currently Poised For Mobile Revolution
US warily eyes Yemen revolution (video)
Phi Beta Iota: Egypt and Yemen are an axis of ignorance for the USA–not only does the USA not have a strategy–or even a means of creating a Whole of Government “appreciation” for the possibilities and necessities of fostering freedom in the Middle East and North Africa–but it also lacks any concept for multinational, multiagency, multidisciplinary, multidomain information-sharing and sense-making (M4IS2), the “acme of skill” in 21st warfare, what we labeled in the 1990's “Information Peacekeeping: The Purest Form of War.”
21 March 2011
Libya rebels welcome air strikes, aim for Tripoli
Yemen showdown looms as army loyalties divide
Syria protests spread, authorities pull back
Saudi deployment in Bahrain risks sectarian conflict
Libya Rebels Fight for Gains After Coalition Airstrikes
Top army commanders defect in Yemen
US embassy cables: Who will succeed Saleh in Yemen?
Syria unrest: Thousands march in Deraa
Egypt proved to Palestinians that revolution has a point
US leads ‘Odyssey Dawn' initial attack on Libya
Women and Revolution — What Now?
Syria: Has the Revolution Begun?
Yemen protests: Evidence snipers shot to kill
Yemeni troops on streets, two party members quit
Libya Journal: A revolution, then and now
Egyptians swarm polls in first vote since revolution
18 March 2011
The Revolution Reaches Damascus
Dozens of Yemen protesters shot dead
Libya's Gaddafi given ultimatum
In Libyan capital, a revolution crushed
Amendments betray the spirit of Egypt’s revolution: “No” campaigners
17 March 2011
Rael: ‘The Real Revolution is to Destroy Every Form of Government'
The Arab counter-revolution is winning
Tunisia: Locals Abroad Express Hopes Via New Media Climate
Egypt’s Revolution Struggles to Take Shape
Hillary Clinton: Don't let Egypt's revolution be compromised

16 March 2011
Phi Beta Iota: Revolution 2.0 is at the beginning of the beginning. The following from the Battle of Algiers captures the situation perfectly:
Ben M'Hidi: It's hard to start a revolution. Even harder to continue it. And hardest of all to win it. But, it's only afterwards, when we have won, that the true difficulties begin. In short, Ali, there's still much to do.
With helicopters and live fire, Bahrain cracks down on protests
Poland to use 1989 revolution as lesson for Arab countries
Is the Libyan revolution dying?
It has been a painful week for the revolutionaries trying to topple the long-serving Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
The Arab spring is brighter than ever
Crackdowns on protest merely postpone the day of reckoning – Arabs now have a shared, unstoppable drive for freedom
No Ideological Cohesion and Wrong Timing for Libya’s Revolution
Winnipegger in Libya ‘wouldn't miss the revolution'
Egyptian Revolution Coalition rejects military tribunals for civilians
The second Cedar Revolution [Lebanon]

My country, Yemen: ‘Revolution has become as vital as air and water’
‘Islamic Revolution model of uprisings
In birthplace of Arab uprising, discontent lingers
12 March 2011
“Citizen” Amr Moussa outlines roadmap for Egypt democratic renaissance
Libya: Benghazi's rebels know it is now them or Gaddafi
Tunisia Revolution Rolls On With Abolition Of Secret Police
Making the revolution is one thing, building it is quite another
How social media mobilized the Arab revolution
11 March 2011
Trudy Rubin: How the young leaders of Egypt’s revolution pulled it off
n Egypt, signs that the revolution has only just begun
Q&A: Libya’s stalled revolution
In Egypt, a violent campaign to subvert the revolution
After the Egyptian Revolution: The Wars of Religion
UPDATE 12-Oil pares losses as Saudi protest heightens worries
Revolution Not Headed for Saudi Arabia
Phi Beta Iota: TIME and Carnegie Endowment may be taking a great deal of Saudi money. It is hard to explain how TIME should emphasize religious wars when Muslims and Christians, Sunni and Shi'ite, stood shoulder to shoulder against the US-supported dictators; or how Carnegie Endowment could possibly justify a completely witless propaganda piece that is disconnected from reality on the ground. What makes all this pathetic is that the US Intelligence Community has been worthless throughout the past fifty years, sowing what one author calls a Legacy of Ashes, all the while being clueless about the Power of the Powerless. The spies, the techno-barons, and their child-analysts are long overdue for both GAO scrubbing and a severe reduction in funding. The US is not a Smart Nation. As we have noted before, the US President is operating in a strategic & intellectual vacuum….not for lack of knowledge across the Republic, but for lack of integrity in Washington–a failure not of imagination, but of outreach and openness. Congress and the White House went into this opportunity running on the fumes of aged ideology and military-industrial ingratiation to dictators and their armies. No intelligence, no integrity.
Arab women: this time, the revolution won't leave us behind
Arab-Style Democracy: The Answer to the Post Dictatorship Era
U.S. needs to stay on the sidelines of the Arab revolution
Mideast revolution will spread, violence won't – oil exec.
How the ongoing Middle East unrest will affect global oil security and prices
The global democratic revolution: a new stage
See Also: NIGHTWATCH Revolution 2.0 Round-Up

7 March 2011
Phi Beta Iota: We've been watching, but outside of the UK blowing its overture to the Libyan rebels (who have it right–BUTT OUT) and the US flailing because no element of the US Government–and most especially the Department of State and the CIA–has a clue on how to deal with a) reality and b) the irrelevance of naked Emperors. Below are a few of the media headlines, but on balance we prefer the NIGHTWATCH commentaries that we post separately.

See Also: NIGHTWATCH Revolution 2.0 Round-Up
What Can We Do for the Young Libyan Revolution?
Five social media goals learned from tweeting the revolution
Ai Wei Wei: ‘growing force behind Jasmine Revolution very strong'
America's secret plan to arm Libya's rebels
Arab revolution declared inconsistent with Islam laws
Op-Ed: Middle East revolution gives people a voice
Amid revolution, Arab cartoonists draw attention to their cause
Benghazi brings order to its revolution
Intervention in Libya would poison the Arab revolution
China, the Middle East Revolution and the U.S. Counter-Revolution
USA: At what point is revolution justified?
More below the line
Obama is weak in face of dictators and revolution
Protestors across US decry Wis. anti-union efforts
A golden age of revolution appears to be at hand
Bahrain: An uprising on the verge of revolution
Anger in Egypt: A revolution far from over
USA Special: More Tales of Revolution and Government Waste
Dispatch from ‘Free Libya': The Right to Laugh at Gaddafi
Libyan city dubbed ‘Free Benghazi' as anti-Gaddafi troops take control
• Anti-Gaddafi officers talk of army revolt against mercenaries
Bahrain Frees Political Prisoners, Pardons Exiles
Morocco's king seen as holding keys to future
Hundreds back Facebook call for Saudi protest
Saudi King Boosts Spending on Housing, Jobs Amid Popular Unrest in Mideast
China facing new calls for jasmine revolution
Cheddar revolution? Glenn Beck vs. Jon Stewart on Middle East-Wisconsin comparisons
As it happened: Mid-East and North Africa protests
Qaddafi Vows To Fight To The ‘Last Drop Of Blood'
Libya protests: Defiant Gaddafi refuses to quit (with video)
Ridding the Region of US and Israeli Influence
Smells like a US revolution in the making
Wisconsin’s Government Cheese Revolution
Activists Detained and Harassed After Online Calls for Jasmine Revolution
Revolution: an idea whose time has come

Libya protests spread as barrier of fear crumbles
Clashes, fires reported in Libya's capital
Egypt’s Prosecutor Asks for Freeze of Mubarak’s Assets
Robert Fisk in Manama: Bahrain – an uprising on the verge of revolution
Jasmine revolution to fight on despite internet crackdown
Qaddafi’s Son Warns of Civil War as Libyan Protests Widen
“The state has disappeared from the streets,” said Mansour Abu Shenaf, a writer living in Tripoli. “and the people, the youth, have practically taken over.”
Libyan unit “defects” as more Arab protests simmer
Libyan envoy to Arab League ‘joins revolution'
Gaddafi cruelly resists, but this Arab democratic revolution is far from over
The burning question is, where next? After Ben Ali and Mubarak, others may not fall so easily – but most regimes are candidates
Fears of Chaos Temper Calls for Change in Morocco
Egyptian father names his daughter “Facebook” after revolution
Year of revolution: From EDSA to Tahrir Square
Libyan forces fire tear gas in Tripoli protestsAt least four separate anti-government protests have broken out in the Libyan capital for the first time, witnesses say.
Libya protests: gunshots, screams and talk of revolution
Benghazi student says fear of Muammar Gaddafi's regime is ebbing away
Iran protests: capital under lockdown
Police and basij militia locked down the centre of Tehran on Sunday night after crowds of anti-regime demonstrators tried to converge on central squares from across the city.
Social Media's Revolution 2.0 Crowdsources Street Protests & DDOS Attacks
Libya protesters seize streets, Bahrain mood eases
Revolution might not be a cure for Egypt's extreme poverty
Phi Beta Iota: This is a very important observation. It's not enough to displace the corrupt. One must be able to replace them with both integrity and intelligence (decision-support). Making a revolution is much easier than unscrewing centuries of Industrial-Era predation. This is one reason why–while finally recognizing that connecting everyone comes first–Phi Beta Iota stands as the ONLY network focused on what comes next: Electoral Reform, Smart Nations, Global Range of Gifts Table, and M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making: creating the World Brain and Global Game so as to achieve a prosperous world at peace. It's all connected. Any mob can make a revolution. It takes smart ethical people to address the root preconditions of that revolution and achieve the real and only lasting revolution, across the mind, heart, and soul of all humanity.
China cracks down on protest threats, rounds up dissidents
China tries to stamp out ‘Jasmine Revolution'
MOROCCO: Thousands attend reformist protests
Iran's opposition starts renewed protests in Tehran
Anti-Government Protests Continue in Bahrain, Libya, Yemen
USA: Both sides targeting state senators for recall elections
An inside look at the WikiLeaks revolution
Wisconsin protests: why ‘week of rage' matters to rest of America
Phi Beta Iota: The problem is that both the union leaders and the Democratic party leaders sold out all of the workers when they took the bribes from the banking and corporate worlds. As Chuck Spinney has pointed out, Tea Partiers are incredibly naive and ignorant, having been funded and deceived by the Koch Brothers into championing their own demise. The revolution is going to happen completely apart from the existing political structure in the USA, because that structure is so corrupt, so inauthentic, as to be irrelevant to any serious discussion about the future of the United States of America.
Palestinians want ‘day of rage' against US
Fatah, Hamas leaders incensed by decision to veto UN vote to condemn Israeli settlements, saying it reveals lie behind calls for democracy, freedom in Arab world. ‘We'll appeal to General Assembly,' says PLO secretary
Leaders of Libya and Yemen meet protests with deadly force
Unlike Egypt, Libya and Yemen are tribal nations, and the two leaders have skillfully manipulated clan loyalties for decades.
You say you want a revolution?
Self-interest and hypocrisy have always been the touchstone of Western diplomacy in the Middle East, particularly as far as the United States, Britain and France are concerned.
Middle East protests: People power triumphs in Bahrain
Algeria's long haul towards liberty
The secret world of Chinese tweets
Social inequities and global stability
Rage, Rap and Revolution: Inside the Arab Youth Quake
“Whether you're in Tunis or in Cairo or in Manama,” says Ala'a Shehabi, 30, a Bahraini economics lecturer and political activist, “young Arabs are all on the same wavelength.” In less than two months, this generation has already wrought political change on a scale not seen since the end of the Cold War.
Phi Beta Iota: It is quite clear that US politicians have no idea what is going on vis a vis “digital natives” across all boundaries. As Daniel Ellsberg lectured Henry Kissinger, “you become like a moron.”
In Bahrain, the Bullets Fly (NYT)
US is out of touch, CNN is not. Mainstream media plus cell phone video of actual shootings of unarmed protesters with their arms in the air will have an impact.
Libya's Gadaffi faces challenge to four decades of rule (Reuters)
Preliminary reports suggest 50,000 participating in protests, active destruction of Gaddafi's statues and posters, “Enough is Enough” spreading as the mantra.
Equation for a Modern Revolution
Phi Beta Iota: This is a very facile and somewhat ridiculous line of reasoning (see Basics at end) but it is making the rounds so have a look.
In the Middle East, this is not a Facebook revolution
Deep-seated social ills – repression from the top and political and economic frustrations from below – are at the core of protests sweeping the Arab world, much as they have been in revolutions throughout history.
Egypt Through the Lens of Iran's 1979 Revolution
The pundits now breezily call Iran's 1979 revolution “Islamic.” But at the time, religious and secular, villagers and urbanites, educated and illiterate, all equally angrily, were marching in the streets and demanding the removal of the Shah. Iran's future was as unknowable then as Egypt's future is now.
17 February 2011
This week, a court sentenced 19-year old blogger Tal al-Mallouhi to five years in prison on some obscure charge of passing on secrets to the United States.
Ouattara's prime minister calls for “revolution” in Ivory Coast
“The people of Ivory Coast must stage their revolution. They must not wait for ECOWAS (The Economic Community of West African States) and the African Union.
Tahrir Square teeming with Egyptian pride
“The revolution will change the relationship between the people and the government. There was no relationship in the past.”
After the Egyptian revolution, economic unrest
“People are very upset, and in many cases, I think, with good reason, about poverty and unemployment.”
Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
Twitter and Facebook didn't create the Egyptian revolution. But Silicon Valley's belief they did shows the smug, ethnocentric blindness that's damaging the technology industry
A Guide To Starting A Revolution On Facebook
“The power of Facebook is that our updates reach to everyone's wall,” then-anonymous Ghonim told The Daily Beast in January when the page had racked up 375,000 followers. “Some of the videos we publish get shared on people’s walls more than 30,000 times. That’s how powerful a virus can be… Once it’s out, it goes everywhere. It’s unstoppable.”
16 February 2011
SPECIAL: Slide Show–Who's Behind Egypt's Revolution?
Phi Beta Iota: Robert Dreyfuss is a “top gun” and has produced insights that CIA was/is incapable of producing. Nothing has changed since the Burundi Exercise for the Aspin-Brown Commission.
WISCONSIN: Schools, teachers are focus of third day of protests
Gadhafi next? Anti-government protests spread to Libya
Police move in to clear protesters from Bahrain's capital
Ayatollah: U.S. trying to ‘derail’ Egyptian revolution
Divisions widen between the Egyptian army and youth
Protests Spread to Libya as Unrest Roils Bahrain, Yemen
15 February 2011
Egypt protesters remind army who is really in charge
Is this a revolution or just a coup?
Uprising will only become a revolution when demands of protesters are met
Revolution Germ Will Spread in Arab World: Joshua Muravchik
The Pivotal Reason for Egypt's Revolution is Not Social Media
Iran protests ‘going nowhere', says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Bahrain protesters make camp beneath capital landmark
Songs of the Revolution: A Bahrain Website Mixes Music and Activism
Wael Ghonim, Google exec, says Egypt's revolution is ‘like Wikipedia'
Blocking Facebook and Corporate Regime Change
Phi Beta Iota: This applies to military services also.
Iran Becomes Next Country For Facebook-Led Revolution
See: Internet Work-Arounds & OpenBTS
Iranian Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters, Arrest Dozens
Labor Strikes Hit Egypt as Military Calls Public Holiday
In Yemen, female activist strives for an Egypt-like revolution
Arab Revolution: Will Algeria's Regime Be the Next to Fall?
ITALY: Silvio Berlusconi's Italy is on the wrong side of history
IRAN: Protests Build in Tehran
PALESTINE: Abbas Shakes Up Cabinet in Election Push
YEMEN: Police attack Yemeni crowds seeking reform
ALGERIA: Police stifle Algeria protest
BAHREIN: Young Protesters Clash With Police in Bahrain
UNITED KINGDOM (Video 14 Dec 10): Reference: The Kids Are All Right–Mad as Hell!
Hanin Zoubi predicts Palestinian revolution
Hanin Zoubi , an Arab member of Israel's parliament (Knesset) has predicted a Palestinian revolution, modeled after the one in Egypt, which terminated three decades of dictatorship.
Iran and Bahrain join anti-regime fervor sparked by Egypt revolution (Ha'aretz)
Islamist regime has reportedly embarked on mass arrests of its opponents and ordered that two leaders of the opposition; Bahrain offers incentives to families to stop opposition.
My Take: Revolution 2.0 more secular than Islamic
Egyptian minds are opened (Al Jazeera)
Upheaval has opened the door to political and economic reform, but its most lasting effect may be a psychological one.
Lessons from Cairo: Making Peace with Yourself (Huffington Post)
But it's not just the Egyptians who are undergoing this time of chaos. We're all living in the collective chaotic field. What happens in one part of the field impacts the entire field. Our lives will also be changed by what's going on in Egypt.
Katherine Butler: Europe's betrayal of the Arab awakening (Independent)
Europe's conduct is even less helpful than The Muppet Show, and it's not just the inability to speak with a single voice that is the problem.
5 Stages of the Awakening (thepeoplesvoice.org)
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” -Henry Ford
“Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road”- Voltaire
“Until they became conscious they will never rebel and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” — George Orwell (1984)
“As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.”- Voltaire
Thousands demand reforms in Algeria; 400 arrested
“This demonstration is a success because it's been 10 years that people haven't been able to march in Algiers and there's a sort of psychological barrier,” said Ali Rachedi, the former head of the Front of Socialist Forces party. “The fear is gone.”
Anti-government protests broken up in Yemen and Algeria
Riot police in Algiers dispersed thousands of people who had defied a government ban to demand that President Abdelaziz Bouteflika step down. A similar march in Yemen's capital, Sanaa, calling for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to leave office was attacked by government supporters.
Egypt Fed Up with Foreign Bullying–People Will Not Accept New Stooge
Russian Television, Middle Eastern commentator: Army is split, generals take orders from the Pentagon, younger officers do not. General view that separation from US is needed.
Egypt, The Age Of Disruption And The ‘Me' In Media
But what's proving more consequential than access to information is our growing access to one another, human-to-human, enabled by the Internet and mobile tools. As the author Clay Shirky has consistently and presciently said: “We have historically overestimated the value of access to information and underestimated the value of access to one another.”
Egypt and Social Media: “Revolution 2.0” Roundup
• One TechCrunch writer says don’t overstate the importance of social media. “Twitter and Facebook are indeed useful tools,” the piece says, “but they are not tools of revolution—at least no more than Paul Revere’s horse was.” People are the real killer app, says the writer. If the revolution had happened five years ago, we would be championing the role of mobile phones.
Where Might Social Media Aid a Revolt Next?
I mean, this revolution in Egypt didn't happen because people decided to mount a Facebook campaign. It happened because there was real poverty in the country. There were real issues of food. And there was an authoritarian regime that had allowed this to happen, and clearly didn't care about its people.
Syrians Revel in Removal of Ban on Social Websites–Flock to Facebook
The ending of restrictions comes after Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, said he would push for change in the wake of the region's unrest. While some Syrians view the lifting of the ban as a public-relations stunt, the response among the majority of young Syrians is the kind of enthusiasm the government was seeking.
As Mubarak resigns, Yemenis call for a revolution of their own
Thousands of secessionists protested in Yemen today in an example of how disparate movements across the Middle East are tapping the anti-regime fervor for their own disparate aims.
Google exec Wael Ghonim in Egypt says long live the revolution 2.0
As Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down Friday (and the hashtag grew in popularity on Twitter), Ghonim told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: “If you want to liberate a government, give them the Internet.”
Arab League chief Amr Moussa welcomes revolution
Why Americans Must Ignore the Islamophobes Who Misread the Egyptian Revolution
Protesters outraged over Mubarak address, vow to continue revolution (ahramonline.beta)
Chanting “down with Mubarak”, “down with the regime”, the protesters vowed to mainting their occupation of Tahrir sq and their demonstrations until they bring Mubarak and his regime down, once and for all. They expect to bring millions to the streets in Cairo and across the nation in tomorrow's Friday of Decision protest.
Egyptian workers join the revolution (ahramonline.beta)
Thousands of workers of the Mahalla Textile Company held a strike today demanding better wages. According to the Center for Trade Union & Workers’ Services (CTUWS), 24,000 workers took part in the protest.
The Meaning of the Egyptian People’s Revolution (History News Network)
With popular rage sweeping the country, the pressure on the Mubarak regime, and uncertainty with it, are bound to increase. Friday will be another day of massive demonstrations. Already labor unions, government employees, judges and medical staff have been joining the protestors. The trend is likely to grow, but Mubarak has failed to judge the nation’s mood.
The revolution is just a tweet away (ABC)
Across the Arab world, in countries like Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Syria, people are on the march. Behind these displays of public power, there's a communications revolution which knows no borders. Social media forums have become magnets for public discontent and longstanding regimes are suddenly looking shaky.

Ghonim electrified Egypt's revolution (CNN)
Phi Beta Iota: He worked for Google, but it was Facebook that actually provided the tools for collective revolution.
Not 1989. Not 1789. But Egyptians can learn from other revolutions (Guardian)
Ecstatic crowds in Cairo prove there is no clash of civilisations – everyone wants freedom. The question is, how to get it?
Egypt protesters give new meaning to Internet revolution (Africa Business Daily)
Through Twitter, the protesters had agreed that all marches should converge at Shubra—a working class district in the centre of the city known as a stronghold of the Coptic Christian community.
Upper Egypt joins the revolution (AlMasryAlYoum)
Upper Egypt joins the revolutionRelatively calm since the beginning of the protests on 25 January, the Upper Egyptian region has now fully entered the nationwide protest movement.
Analysis: Egypt's unfinished revolution (BBC)
The huge demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Tuesday is the sharpest reminder yet for President Hosni Mubarak's regime that the protest movement is not being worn down.
Jordan tribes threaten revolution over country's Palestinian Queen Rania (Haaretz)
Hard-line nationalist East Bankers take issue with both Queen Rania's Palestinian background and her highly visible role in the country's male-dominated society.
Hizbullah Leader Nasrallah: If Only I Could Be Martyred For The Revolution In Egypt (MEMRI)
He said that the revolution in Egypt – which is sweeping all sectors of the Egyptian people, without external intervention, whether American or Iranian – is as important as the 2006 Lebanon war and the 2008 Gaza war, and will change the face of the region and impact the global balance of power.
Obama’s Brutal Barbaric Bombings of Civilians and his Assassination Squad Sparked Yemen Revolution
However US culpability in Egypt may be downplayed, President Obama’s aggression against the poor civilians of Yemen holds a large responsibility for the Yemen Revolution. How many massacres will the US puppet regimes carry out?
Internet-based revolution is possible (UAB Kaleidoscope)
AccessNow (www.accessnow.org), developer of the Global Proxy Cloud, instructs users around the world how to give their unused bandwidth to others in countries with strict blocks, or firewalls. Another internet-based effort, Telecomix, is organized through chat rooms. When the Internet and mobile networks were shut down on January 27, the group began instructing activists through faxes about how to use amateur radios and dial-up modems.
Revolution tears down the wall between the internet and us (The National AE)
When the tipping point of revolution came, it was not from the intellectual circles of New York and London, but from disenfranchised youth on the Arab street.

Which revolution will Egypt choose?
The Arab Revolution Is Beyond America's Control
Egypt protests will change the face of the region: Nasrallah
Democracy: Hypocrisy and revolution
Egypt’s Revolution: Two Lessons from History
COMMENT: Reflections on Tunisian Revolution —Faheem Khan
The first lesson from Tunisia is that revolution is possible. This very thought is infectious, and it has rendered Arab leaders nervous. They are having nightmares of their being deposed and exiled as the Shah of Iran or Ben Ali of Tunisia
Egypt statement: Coalition of youth of the revolution
We have heard the president’s disappointing speech. And really someone who has killed more than 300 youths, kidnapped and injured thousands more is not entitled to brag about past glories. Nor are his followers entitled to talk about the President’s dignity, because the dignity [of] life and security of the Egyptian people is far more valuable than any single person’s dignity no matter how high a position he holds.
Islamists dominated the opposition in 1979 in Iran. Doomsayers are already warning that we're seeing a remake of Iran's Islamic revolution in Cairo. And on the surface, there are certainly parallels.
5 February 2011
This is a youth revolt for their life…
Mubarak is still here, but there's been a revolution in our minds, say protesters
The Day of Departure has passed, but anti-government protesters say they will stay until they get their freedoms back
Al Jazeera: Egypt's 24-Hour Revolution
Somewhere Gil Scott-Heron must be reveling in the scene at Tahrir Square. African-Americans may not be pouring into U.S. streets looking for a brighter day, but millions of Egyptian spirits have brought Scott-Heron’s prophetic words to life.
The unfolding revolution in Egypt has not only caused nervousness among Arab dictators, it has also sent shockwaves throughout Israeli society.
Egypt: Secretary of State Clinton warns of ‘perfect storm'
Secretary of State Clinton warns of a “perfect storm of powerful trends” across the region, including a young population, political repression, economic disparity, and dwindling supplies of oil and water.
Coptic Christians show solidarity by forming a human chain around Islamic protesters during Friday prayers in Tehrir Square on Friday, February 04, 2011.
3 February 2011
Resource: 30 Years of Uprisings
Getting in Line for a Revolution
Expulsion and Explosion: How Leaving the Internet Fueled Our Revolution
No Islamic Revolution is in the Making
The U.S. Will Hijack Egypt's Revolution
Why Yemen's Revolution Has Failed So Far
2 February 2011
The Arab world's 1989 revolution?
The ripple effect, described by one commentator as the “wave of democracy finally crashing on the North African shore”, has led to comparisons with the protest movement across Eastern Europe in 1989 that spelt the demise of communism and eventually the Soviet Union.
The Egyptian revolution: An interfaith movement
The protests have demonstrated explicit interfaith components. It was only a few weeks ago that Egyptian Muslims attended Christmas mass with their Christian neighbors and friends as human shields after the deadly attack on a Coptic church. Mohamed El-Sawy, whose cultural center has hosted World Faith Cairo events, said of faith relations in Egypt, “We either live together or we die together.” Returning the favor, Christians stood guard at mosques across Egypt while their Muslim friends finished their Friday prayers before the day's protests. When a few demonstrators began chanting “Allahu Akbar,” others convinced them to join together: “Muslim, Christian, we're all Egyptian!”
Oil Giants Fear Revolution Is Coming To Them Next
But what happens when the unrest spreads to oil-rich Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya, Algeria? Already Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said he won’t run for re-election. Dissidents have called for protests in Algeria on Feb. 12, Bahrain on Feb. 14 and Libya on Feb. 17.
Sat Dishes and Revolution: Why Al Jazeera Matters There — and Here
Al Jazeera has become the channel of first choice; traffic to the English-language stream online has grown by 2,500 percent since last Friday. And Mohamed Nanabhay, the head of online for the English language channel, told The New York Times‘ Brian Stelter that the site's live stream had been viewed over 4 million times since Friday, and that 1.6 million of those views have come from the United States.
1 February 2011
Egyptian voices reflect diverse crowd of protesters
A tapestry of people covered the streets of Egypt on Tuesday. They are young and old, rich and poor, Muslim and Christian. There were even people who, amid the sweeping calls for President Hosni Mubarak's resignation, made known their support for the embattled leader.
Egypt's Youthquake: At a Nerve Center of the Revolution
They're lawyers, accountants and web designers. They wear jeans and flip flops, colorful headscarves, and the black and white checkered keffiyahs associated with the Palestinian intifadeh.
The revolution underway in Egypt is being closely watched by Gaza's youth who see it as a source of empowerment and inspiration.
Amazing images of what can now be called a ‘revolution' in Egypt
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Monday, Mr Assad said Syria was “immune” from the turmoil affecting Egypt and Tunisia.
Do we need the Internet for a revolution?
As Matthew Hindman states in “The Myth of Digital Democracy“: “The Internet's successes at democratizing politics are real. Yet the medium's failure in this regard are less acknowledged and ultimately just as profound.”
30 January 2010
Tell everyone: Egypt's revolution is sweet and peaceful
No one wants the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, no one wants violence – just elections and a new constitution
A Note of Warning and Encouragement for Egyptians
From an Iranian writer who lived through the 1979 Revolution.
Emerging Basics of Free Internet and Internet for Freedom
MIRROR: How to Communicate & Restore Collective Power if the US Government Shuts Down the Internet
Reference: Wireless Mesh Internet–A List
Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t …
Internet Work-Arounds for Egypt Updated
Strategic Phasing Toward World Brain & Global Game
Basics of Revolution
Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today
Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution
1992 MCU Thinking About Revolution
Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 101 (Wrong Way)
Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 102 (Right Way)
Review: Radical Man–The Process of Psycho-Social Development
Core Readings on the Power of the Public
Review: A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
Review: The Power of the Powerless–Citizens Against the State in Central-Eastern Europe
Review: The Unconquerable World–Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People
Context Reading