YouTube Founders Revamping a Site for Link Sharing
Jenna Wortham
New York Times, 11 September 2011
SAN MATEO, Calif. — Chad Hurley and Steve Chen have some experience with turning a small Web site into Internet gold. In 2006 they sold their scrappy start-up YouTube to Google for $1.65 billion.
More recently they picked an unlikely candidate to be their next Web sensation: a Yahoo castoff.
The men are trying to inject new life into Delicious, a social bookmarking service that, in its time, was popular among the technorati, but failed to catch on with a broader audience.
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“Google is still the utility for quickly finding things, like the capital of Texas,” Mr. Chen said. “But when people aren’t doing search for a simple question, we want to capture the results of that idea, that browsing, and showcase the results for the next guy.”
See Also:
Delicious Home Page
DuckDuckGo [Phi Beta Iota Alternative to Google]
Search: global brain human brain + RECAP