Eagle: Who, Exactly, Orchestrated Published Zionist Death Threat Against POTUS?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War
300 Million Talons...

Killing Obama – United States vs. Andrew Adler

Why is Neither the Jewish Org Community or the Media Checking Into Andrew Adler’s Background?

Jim W. Dean, Editor

VeteransToday, 22 January 2012

There is something fishy about this Andrew Adler ‘Kill Obama’ case. It came out of the blue…from a small below the radar Jewish publication, but from a major city, Atlanta. Why now, and why Andrew Adler?

The next thing that was extremely unusual was how quickly and completely so many major Jewish organizations dumped on this guy…almost all of them in one day. And their language was very harsh.

And then something else very strange, despite all the media coverage, where is the media digging out everything on our Andrew Adler life’s.

I have found nothing mentioned about him earlier than when he acquired the Atlanta Jewish Times, almost like it got off a space ship before that. And even more strange, no one seems to be asking any questions.

These Jewish groups are very networked. Someone not only pressed a button on Alder, but they also wrote some of the scripting so all the groups would be on the same tone. This story is oozing of a set up and orchestration.

Here are some samples:

Editor’s note:  Seems a bit late for Adler’s handlers to try to cover their behinds on this one.  Adler was only doing what he was told, we all know that.

Read rest of article with quotes, photos, and anomalies listed.

David Swanson: State of Obama’s 2008 [Broken] Promises

David Swanson

The State of Obama's 2008 Promises

Presidential candidate Barack Obama won the Democratic primary last time around largely on the strength of his extremely limited and inconsistent opposition to the war on Iraq.  Then he chose as his running mate Senator Joe Biden, a man who had led efforts in the U.S. Senate to support the invasion. Obama's staff told reporters that he would be inclined to keep Robert Gates on as Secretary of War (or “Defense”) — exactly the same plan proposed by Senator John McCain's campaign. Obama said he'd like Colin Powell to be a part of his administration, and repeatedly announced that his cabinet would include Republicans. Obama had approached leading warmonger Congressman Rahm Emanuel about becoming his chief of staff.

Obama's commitment to de-escalation in Iraq was questionable, and his commitment to complete withdrawal nonexistent. He supported the idea of launching attacks on Pakistan and Syria. He said he wanted more troops in Afghanistan and wanted them there for a long, long time. Three times in three debates McCain proposed cutting military spending and Obama avoided the topic. Obama proposed significantly enlarging the largest military the world had ever seen. Obama refused to forswear the use of aggressive war or even first-strike nuclear attacks. He claimed that Bush and Cheney had not committed any crimes that he was aware of.

Continue reading “David Swanson: State of Obama's 2008 [Broken] Promises”

Mini-Me: Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths

Who? Mini-Me?

Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths: Ezra Klein

Bloomberg, 11 January 2012


Believing the Unbelievable

To buy much of this requires you to hold deeply ridiculous beliefs about the American economy. You must believe that Obama bears responsibility for events that predate his presidency and deserves applause for the demand created by aging cars and worn- down machinery. You must believe that Congress, which controls fiscal policy, and the Federal Reserve, which controls monetary policy, bear little or no responsibility for the economy, but that the president, who controls neither fiscal nor monetary policy, is the primary driver of job creation. You must believe that governors have absolute power over state economies and that global demand is irrelevant. You must also renounce belief in Christmas — or at least its influence on the consumer-driven economy.

Virtually no one really believes these things. But partisans and the news media routinely act as if they are true. They make up a useful shorthand that is arguably good for the political system: Better for presidents to believe re-election hinges on economic performance than, say, on the quality of their attack ads.

Read full article.

See Also:

Jim Rogers: The Economy Is Being Juiced Up Before the Election, Watch Out for 2013

Paul Craig Roberts: December Net Jobs a 12,000 LOSS – Actual Unemployment 2.6 Times Official Rate or 22.4%

Fidel Castro: World Peace Hanging by a Thread

Fidel Castro Ruiz

World Peace Is Hanging By A Thread

Fidel Castro

Global Research via Money Trends Research

23 January 2012

Yesterday I had the satisfaction of having a pleasant conversation with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I had not seen him since 2006, more than five years ago, when he visited our country to participate in the 14th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement of Countries in Havana. During the summit, Cuba was elected for the second time as president of the organization for a three-year term.

. . . . . . .

With all four I spoke about some of the difficulties facing the world at the time; problems that have become progressively more complex.

Continue reading “Fidel Castro: World Peace Hanging by a Thread”

Josh Kilbourn: Chris Hedges on The Real Debate

Joshua Kilbourn

Chris Hedges' latest.

Thank You for Standing Up

Chris Hedges

truthdig, 23 January 2012


Turn off your televisions. Ignore the Newt-Mitt-Rick-Barack reality show. It is as relevant to your life as the gossip on “Jersey Shore.” The real debate, the debate raised by the Occupy movement about inequality, corporate malfeasance, the destruction of the ecosystem, and the security and surveillance state, is the only debate that matters. You won’t hear it on the corporate-owned airwaves and cable networks, including MSNBC, which has become to the Democratic Party what Fox News is to the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. You won’t hear it on NPR or PBS. You won’t read about it in our major newspapers. The issues that matter are being debated, however, on “Democracy Now!,” Link TV, The Real News, Occupy websites and Revolution Truth. They are being raised by journalists such as Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. You can find genuine ideas in corners of the Internet or in books by political philosophers such as Sheldon Wolin. But you have to go looking for them.

Voting will not alter the corporate systems of power. Voting is an act of political theater. Voting in the United States is as futile and sterile as in the elections I covered as a reporter in dictatorships like Syria, Iran and Iraq. There were always opposition candidates offered up by these dictatorships. Give the people the illusion of choice. Throw up the pretense of debate. Let the power elite hold public celebrations to exalt the triumph of popular will. We can vote for Romney or Obama, but Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil and Bank of America and the defense contractors always win. There is little difference between our electoral charade and the ones endured by the Syrians and Iranians. Do we really believe that Obama has, or ever had, any intention to change the culture in Washington?

Read full article (3 screens)

Phi Beta Iota:  Brother Hedges is missing the big picture.  He's right on the fundamentals–where the real debate is–but he is missing the very real possibilities represented by We the People Reform Coalition.  Neither the Green Party (accredited) nor the Justice Party (not accredited) have the strategic understanding necessary to flip the system.  That can only be found at We the People Reform Coalition, and its two-step plan for leveraging our collective power to demand the Electoral Reform Act of 2012 in time to allow a third wave – a coalition cabinet, not just a solitary individual president – to be elected, effectively trashing the two-party tyranny in a non-violent legitimizing revolution.  The economy is being “juiced”unemployment is actually 22.4%, we anticipate a humongous socio-economic crash in the USA in 2013-2014, and speculate that this will lead to a violent revolution that begins with burning to the ground the mansions of those who comprise the 1%, most of them rapidly going into exile.

See Also:

Pre-Conditions of Revolution in the USA Today

Howard Rheingold: Twitter, Curation, Future of Information

Advanced Cyber/IO
Howard Rheingold

Twitter acquisition confirms that curation is the future

Mathew Ingram

Gigaom, 21 January 2012

Twitter made an interesting acquisition on Thursday, when it bought a young Canadian startup called Summify, a company whose service (as its name implies) was designed to cut through the noise of all those social-media streams and summarize the content that matters. More than anything, this is perhaps the single biggest hole that exists not just in Twitter but Facebook and other services as well: the need to give users more ways of filtering the massive amounts of information that keep flooding their activity streams and other social-media inboxes. There are so many ways of producing and sharing content but so few good ways of filtering.

As has been reported elsewhere, Summify says it’s mothballing its service (a decision that was not received warmly by many users), and the team of five will join the growing ranks at Twitter’s new headquarters. The two co-founders, who are originally from Romania, moved to Vancouver, B.C. when they were accepted into an incubator program called Bootup Labs and later received angel funding (according to one report, a Summify investor posted a message that suggested the Twitter acquisition was an all-stock transaction, but the tweet was later deleted). Like some other services such as News.me, Summify filtered a user’s activity streams, then used an algorithm to produce a daily email with links to the most-shared content in their social networks.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  CIA, IBM, Google, and NSA all stink at both early warning (anomaly detection and pattern analysis in multi-cultural multidisciplinary multidomain contexts) and at sense-making.  The primary reason they stink is their obsessive substitution of technology for thinking.  As James Bamford has documented so well, one single human brain can do more, with less energy and mass, than all of NSA's corporate vapor-ware computers.  Novices work with data; journeymen work with models; masters worth with whole systems assumptions and fully integrate human and machine capabilities into their M4IS2 system, which does not exist together because of the isularity, myopia, and general ignorance of all so-called “intelligence” services.

Mini-Me: Warning Notice – America Burning in the Spring + RECAP

Who? Mini-Me?


US: For the record. Declaring “war” on the United States, a militant Palestinian faction — Ma'sadat al-Mujahidin — claimed responsibility for a 19 January forest fire near Reno, Nevada. The group threatened more action and set a 3-month deadline for the “enemies of Islam” to “disavow” Israel's control of contested lands and its “actions against our Muslim brothers.”

Comment: Palestinians have threatened attacks inside the US, but the few details suggest American activists started this fire, if it proves to be arson. The group's bravado exceeds its demonstrated capabilities.


Phi Beta Iota: The fire was an accident, and the elderly man that disposed of hot ashes improperly has come forward.  However, the combination of the accident and the false claim highlight once again how vulnerable America is to acts of man that leverage the sustained idiocy of what passes for socio-economic design.  There is a race on between the forces of legitimate democracy and fundamentalist terrorism–not only Islamic fundamentalists but Christian fundamentalists and eco-terrorism fundamentalists as well as Occupy anarchists.  The USA is now in Bill Moyer's Stage Six–Occupy was a grand success (and also SOPA, KEYSTONE, and the recall movements in Wisconsin and Montana)–but we are far from achieving the strategic campaign that specifically embraces each sub-movement for democracy as a distinct but coordinated elements.  We the People Reform Coalition tries to do that but everyone–especially the Tea Party, Occupy, and the various splinter movements associated with Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, and Patrick Buchanan–refuse to consider a grand strategy–they are all still in the self-centered stage of “me is we” instead of “we is me.”  2012 is a turning point year at multiple levels–unless we achieve a non-violent revolution that restores the legitimacy of governances Of, By, and For, we anticipate a very violent 2013 – 2014.

See Also:

Review: Normal Accidents–Living with High-Risk Technologies

Review: Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines

Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies

Review: The Next Catastrophe–Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters

Review: Willful Neglect–The Dangerous Illusion of Homeland Security

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Environmental Degradation (Other than Emissions)