Phi Beta Iota: It has become evident that this integrative post is needed. It should be obvious–but evidently it is not–that both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) are inherently integrating by nature. Both are the anti-thesis to “Rule by Secrecy” and the Weberian concept of stove-piped knowledge. Both are pillars within the emergent Web 4.0 that will be the World Brain and Global Game connecting all human minds to all knowledge in all languages all the time. Below are a handful of graphics and core contributions that focus on Knowledge Integration as the next step in Advanced Cyber/IO.
Graphic: BrowsEarth Topic Map Part 2
Graphic: Business Intelligence Hits the Wall
Graphic: Climate Change Hidden Connections
Graphic: Connecting the Dots from Ingestion Onwards
Graphic: Consciousness + Eight Processes
Graphic: Corruption Slide 3 Holistic Analysis
Graphic: Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model
Graphic: Four Forces After Next with IO
Graphic: Four Global Belligerent Groups Today
Graphic: Four National Reforms
Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low
Graphic: Full Spectrum Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
Graphic: Global Intelligence Collection Failure
Graphic: Global Intelligence Processing Failure
Graphic: Global Range of Nano-Needs
Graphic: Holistic Analytics for Nuclear-Climate
Graphic: Info-Graphics/Maps: provoking resources to explore & learn
Graphic: Information Commons & Eight Tribes
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras
Graphic: Information Pathologies
Graphic: Intelligence Maturity Scale
Graphic: Jan Herring’s Triangle for Decision-Support
Graphic: Knowledge, Trust, & Development
Graphic: Life 101-The Tetrahedron
Graphic: Life 102–Open Everything
Graphic: Linear versus Diamond Paradigm
Graphic: Multinational IO + OSINT = IO2
Graphic: OSINT & Universal Coverage at Local Level
Graphic: OSINT All-Source Temple
Graphic: OSINT and Full-Spectrum HUMINT (Updated)
Graphic: OSINT, Missions, & Disciplines
Graphic: OSINT, We Went Wrong, Leaping Forward
Graphic: Panarchy Pace Layering (Stewart Brand)
Graphic: Panarchy The Self in Hyperconnectivity
Graphic: Participatory Budget Outreach
Graphic: Participatory Polyarchy
Graphic: Peer to Peer Governance
Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution
Graphic: President and Humanity
Graphic: Principles of War versus Principles of Peace
Graphic: Science, Religion, & Philosophy
Graphic: Science, Religion, & Philosophy (Old)
Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept
Graphic: Smart Nation Through Four Reforms
Graphic: Smart Nation World Brain Pyramid
Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix
Graphic: Strategic Narrative Process Model
Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence
Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence
Graphic: Threat Level Changes Depending on the Level of Analysis
Graphic: Tom Atlee on Whole-System Intelligence
Graphic: Topic Maps and How We Think
Graphic: Topic Maps How We Really Think
Graphic: True Cost of a Cotton T-Shirt
Graphic: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool
Graphic: Water-Centric Holistic Analysis
Graphic: Web of Fragmented Knowledge
Graphic: Whole of Government Intelligence
Graphic: World Brain Eight Core Sharing Functions
Robert Garigue & Robert Steele: From Old IO to New IO
Robert Garigue: The Next Long Wave of Innovation
Robert Garigue: Truth & Trust as Security Requirements
Robert Garigue: When Everything Else is Distributed….
Video: “Twinkie Deconstructed” Author Shows Strange Origins & Nexus of Ingredients
Worth a Look: Wealth-Generating Economies
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive)
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)