PersonalBrain Webinar : February 15, 2012, 11 AM -12:00 PM Pacific, 2:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern
Webinar FREE Online
We’re all connected to a vast sea of information: twitter, email, news and social networking sites, blogs and corporate portals …But with all this information at our fingertips it begs the question: are we getting smarter with all this data or just bogged down?
With PersonalBrain you can create large networks of information that match your style of thought, finally putting you in control of the deluge of information, instead of it controlling you.
In this must see webinar we’ll cover strategies to master information overload so you can actually leverage relevant information sources and capture your best knowledge.
Learn how to:
• Develop guidelines and “Rules of Engagement” for your data sources
• Setup of a visual workflow of relevancy and urgency for projects and information
• Create a single point of access that leverages key information relationships
• Organize and link organic knowledge hubs
• Integrate files, web and intranet pages in a way that reflects your work style
• Track files, capture new ideas and version documents
• Setup reminders and review Thoughts to better control and manage information