Open Source Everything
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TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: All Opens Below Line Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost
Crowd Funding
A Crowd Funding Platform for Award Entries
Lisa McCarthy Interviews Charlie Tribbett of Bolstr
Lisa McCarthy Interviews Crowd Funding Expert Ralph Liu
Local crowd-funding enterprise boosts area farmers
Magrunner: Dark Pulse Nears its Crowd-Funding Goal
Chicago is Crowdsourcing Watering 10,000 Trees During Drought
Crowdsourcing Personalized Online Education – UW/MSR 2012 Summer Research Institute
One Crowdsourcing Expert's Great Answer to a Silly Question
2-3 Aug 2012 Open Source and Hardware Symposium (South Africa)
5-7 Nov 2012 Barcelona Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2012
Android developer fights pirates with free software
Apple seeks $2.5 billion in damages from Samsung, offers half a cent per standard-essential patent
Can Office 365 convince you that renting software is a good deal?
Choice between commercial vs free software product [closed]
Django Workshop at Free Software Master 2012
Free Software and Open Hardware
Looking Over Zimbra, LibreOffice 3.6 Prep Work
Run LibreOffice In Google Chrome, Chromebooks
What are the benefits of using a free and open source software?
Open Access
(Australian) ARC chief open to access
MedOANet welcomes communication and recommendation on Open Access from European Commission
Open Access Journal: CRSN Newsletter
Open Access Journal: SOAS Literary Review
(New York) New Pig Models for Cancer Studies
(New Zealand) Community Tech Centre to open in Castlecliff
(Philippines) 150-MW For Open Access Customers
Open Cloud
Reflections on OSCON 2012 and the Future of Open Cloud
Working Through Multiple Open Cloud Formats
Open Communication
(New Zealand) Communication audit report to be considered
(New Zealand) Council ‘culturally reluctant' to be open
Open Courseware
YouTube: Open Courseware Consortium
Open Culture
Prof. Ronald Mallett Wants to Build a Time Machine in this Century, and He’s Not Kidding. Video: http://is.gd/zbW87a
uTorrent Helps Artists Monetize Free Content
Open Cyber
Cyber security workshop for cops at GFSU
Open Data
Open Data Initiatives at USAID Reflect Move Towards Collaboration, Enabling Efforts
Open data user group's Olympic launch sets tone for powerful future
The Open Research Data Handbook
Open Democracy
Coding for Democracy Hackathon!
Norway’s minister of foreign affairs on the value of Breivik’s open trial
Review of “The Rise of Social Government” by the Fels Institute
The Troubled Families initiative: a new kind of state help, a new form of intrusion
Ben Horowitz Explains Why Tiny Startup Nicira Was Worth $1.26 Billion To VMware (VMW)
VMW Q2 In Line; to Buy ‘OpenFlow’ Startup Nicira for $1.1B
VMware to Acquire OpenFlow Pioneer Nicira for $1.26 Billion
Why VMware bought Nicera? Two videos to watch
VIDEO: From GIGAOM STRUCTURE 2012: After Software-defined Networks, the Software-defined Data Center
VIDEO: From GIGAOM STRUCTURE 2011: From Openflow to Virtualized Networks
Open Governance / Open Government
Bulgaria e-gov project to shine light on government spending
California Focus: One-party government fosters secrecy
(California) Supervisors, San Diego Council Vow to Preserve Open Government Policies
(California) Watchdog Group Launches Petition to Protect Brown Act
(New York) Open government and the Cuomo Administration (Video)
Open Government: South Carolina Ranks Dead Last
Open is Smart: Moldova’s open government initiative changes a paradigm of country development
Sunshine on the Sunshine: What’s Really Wrong with California’s Landmark Open Meeting Law
(Washington) Candidates Krogh, Pellett agree with Washington Coalition of Open Government priorities
Open Hardware
2-3 Aug 2012 Open Source and Hardware Symposium (South Africa)
Finding the Limits of Open Hardware: Examples and End Cases
Free Software and Open Hardware
Open Hardware Licensing: Why? How?
Open Innovation
Open Innovation Drug Discovery Program
Product Licensing in an Era of Open Innovation
Startup Pilots Healthcare Innovation Platform
Open Journalism
Open journalism isn't a phrase; it's a craft. One place that craft is being perfected is the BBC's World Have Your Say. http://bit.ly/QrT7V4
Open Journals
Scholarly publication in (slow) transition to open access
Open Knowledge
Open Transport Data at Open Knowledge Festival
Open Life
Open Media
Sponsor Shoutout – Open Media Foundation
Open Meetings
(California) Several cities say they will continue to follow suspended state open-meeting rules
(California) Supervisors poised to uphold open meeting law, despite state action
(Indiana) Public access seminar explains open records, public meetings
(Kansas) Shawnee County DA Continues Kansas Open Meetings Probe
(Kansas) USD 231 schedules finance committee meeting
Sunshine on the Sunshine: What’s Really Wrong with California’s Landmark Open Meeting Law
Open Plans
Open Plans Launches Kickstarter Campaign To Fund New iPhone Transit App
Open Records
(Hawaii) Not So Public: Open Records Agency Takes Up Our Appeal, 1 Year Later
(Wisconsin) Records show Skyward accepted Wis. tax break offer
(North & South Carolina) N.C., S.C. flunk public records
(USA) Flawed open records laws limit access to state government
Open Repositories
Coming late to the game: how to create a totally integrated (!) repository system
Open Science
Open Security
Qualys Open-Source Mobile Security Tool Debuts at Black Hat
Open Skies
Opportunity, and snags, for African low-cost airline
Open Software
2-3 Aug 2012 Open Source and Hardware Symposium (South Africa)
5-7 Nov 2012 Barcelona Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2012
Firefox 15 reduces memory consumption
HP's Enyo 2 Open-Source WebOS Offshoot Exits Beta
Linux 3.5 Advances Open Source Stability
Linus Torvalds holds ‘ultimate authority' on Linux
Oracle ‘winding Down' Open-source HPC Language Project Started Under Sun
Oracle ‘winding down' open source HPC language project started under Sun (DARPA Project Fortress)
Should Software Created By The Federal Gov't Be Open Source Licensed… Or Public Domain?
Open Spending
Bulgaria e-gov project to shine light on government spending
Caring for My Neighbourhood – Geolocating Spending in Brazil
Open Standards
Europe's doomed plan to avoid Microsoft lock-in
HP Networking built on scalable open standards
True Cost
City's water flows to Forsyth County below cost
Less Than Zero: The True Cost of College
The True (and Truer) Cost of Debt – How Compound Interest Works Against You
The True Cost of Overpopulation
True cost of alcohol related ambulance call-outs revealed
True costs to Penn State unknown
What Is The True Cost Of America's Obsession With Guns?
Ami Bloomer, Give What Your Good At
Unconference forges connections even as it adds new skills
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Nominate additional Opens to include via email to robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com.