FYI and do share. Many bows to Marilyn.
From: Marilyn Hamilton
Dear friend,
I have big news to share! After months of hard work (well, more like decades actually), I am excited to announce a whole new phase of our Integral City work! This September I will be hosting an online conference called the City 2.0 that will bring together 50 visionaries and hundreds of representatives from cities from around the world. And I want to invite you to join me!

As you know, for years I have been writing, teaching, blogging and preparing for new ways to answer the challenges that city stakeholders face—and we are all stakeholders in our planet’s cities. This September’s conference is the biggest thing to happen in my work since the publication of my book: Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences in the Human Hive. My colleague Dr. Don Beck remarked that “Marilyn’s two decades of work has created a compelling and important integral and holistic package designed to deal with the unique problems that confront cities”. And it is that design that I want to co-create with you and other citi-zens from around the world. So we've created the conference to allow people worldwide to participate via web and phone or Skype.
The City 2.0 Expo is a 4-week online conference where we will combine our collective best thinking to envision the future of the city and begin to make plans to build it and make it real. As someone who has been following my work (and my blog), I'm imagining you are the perfect person to join us. Don and I will be joined by 50 other authors, experts, and leaders including: Buzz Holling, Bill Rees, Hazel Henderson, Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Barrett Brown, Jean Houston and many more. Will you come and help me help the emergence of the dream of Integral City in a global community of practice? Just click the link below to find out more or join the conference.
I am so looking forward to connecting with you at this event!
Meshful blessings,
P.S. Please think about who else in your network would be interested in this. We are always asking “Who else should be here?”