Supporting work for co-intelligent societies
Thank you for your interest in and support for the Co-Intelligence Institute. For more than 15 years CII has been researching and reporting democratic innovations and recently also introduced emerging ideas and resources for co-intelligent economics.
As 2012 comes to a close, we eagerly look forward to 2013 and more work creatively addressing the design challenges of living in human communities on Planet Earth.
We at CII imagine a time when wise participatory politics and economics converge into a powerful force for a better world for all people. We specialize in finding, creating and promoting initiatives, methods, ideas, visions and resources that show how wise participatory politics and economics are possible.
Twice a year we seek your partnership in doing this work on behalf of current and future generations. We ask for your financial support now.
In 2012 we undertook a number of diverse projects and collaborations including cross-boundary conversations between Left and Right in the US and pioneering the new field participatory sustainability with an international team.
A high point in our 2012 work came five months ago with the publication of EMPOWERING PUBLIC WISDOM: A PRACTICAL VISION OF CITIZEN-LED POLITICS by Tom Atlee, supported by the Co-Intelligence Institute. Clearing a path to a wiser form of politics and governance, this watershed book inspired a cover story featuring Tom Atlee’s work in “The Intelligent Optimist” (formerly “Ode Magazine”).
In 2013 the Co-Intelligence Institute plans to develop videos and classes to make co-intelligence ideas and possibilities more accessible to more people, to help promote action from a place of deeper understanding. We also expect to explore synergies between participatory wise economics and participatory wise politics and governance, and to collaborate with many initiatives that share our vision.
Our ongoing goal is to help catalyze political and economic systems that intelligently and sanely address the issues, needs, dreams and changing circumstances of all societies, now and in the future. We see this focus as a vital key to our collective survival and thriving.
We know your support is essential to our work. We invite you to join our efforts now with a tax-deductible donation of any amount — $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more — to
The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440
or use your Visa or MasterCard – or Paypal – to make an online donation at http://co-intelligence.org/donations.html
Thank you for your support and for your own work on behalf of a better world and favorable prospects for future generations.
Tom Atlee and the Co-Intelligence Institute Board of Directors
P.S. Everyone who contributes $100 or more will receive a signed copy of Empowering Public Wisdom.
Phi Beta Iota: Tom Atlee is one of the voices for ethics and sanity in human relations. We urge all who can, to donate whatever they wish to his continuing ministry in the public interest.