Which Vendor Will Be the Next Autonomy and Endeca?
At a recent search conference, I sat in the audience and marveled at the disconnect between the past that was and the present which is unfolding now. Several speakers dismissed the notions of precision and recall. In their place, the search wizards (who shall remain nameless) emphasized that search had to be “good enough.” The challenge, therefore, was to define “good enough.”
I sat quietly. At my advanced age I don’t have the energy to revisit the long and mostly disappointing trajectory of one of the most overhyped and misrepresented enterprise solutions—information retrieval. The list of companies which have spouted grandiose promises of universal information access, real time search, and actionable information reaches back to the early days of RECON and Orbit, STAIRS III, the long forgotten InQuire with its forward truncation, and Smart.
Where are these game changing vendors now?