Doug Engelbart (RIP) First Wizard

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Design, Ethics
Doug Englebart
Doug Englebart

Douglas Engelbart dies at age 88; computer visionary

Doug Engelbart: A computing giant passes away

Douglas Englebart, designer of computer mouse, dead at 88

Phi Beta Iota:  Doug was given $10,000 for his invention of the mouse, by SRI, under the terms by which he was employed.  SRI turned around and sold the mouse patent to Logicon for $80,000.  Doug was never about money — he was about enhancing human performance and computer-aided cognition, not the replacement of humans with computers.  High performance organizations are always, without exception, rooted in high performance humans.  Computers still provide a negative return on investment 95% or more of the time, because computers make bad management worse — we are still bogged down in the T, have no clue how to get to the I, and keep on pretending, which is a disservice to the public.  OSE/M4IS2 is the greatest tribute we could offer Doug Engelbart.

See Also:

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Douglas Engelbart

1994 Engelbart (US) Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strataegic Role for Groupware

Open Source Everything (OSE) List and Book

Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2)

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
