Gordon Duff
Veterans Today, 15 July 2013
It is a mistake to look on what has become endless wars, first centering in the Middle East, as struggles over religion, political theories, sectarian struggles or post-colonial realignments. Each hypothesis fails.
Increasingly, intelligence analysts are agreeing on one thing, there is clear evidence of “game theory/chaos theory” with one clear purpose, to reduce populations in specific areas where key resources are in abundance.

The first hard evidence hit with the discoveries of Dr. Chris Busby, researching the effects of depleted uranium use in the Fallujah region of Iraq. It took several years to get access to the area. There was a reason.
Not only was it found that fertility had been suppressed and the region plagued with the onslaught of horrific birth defects but that samples taken from the local population indicated that it wasn’t just depleted uranium but pure, weapons-grade U-235 that was found.
Not only were nuclear weapons used in Iraq but purposefully “dirty” weapons, not the more modern MRR (Minimal Residual Radiation) 3rd and 4th generation nukes developed at Livermore Labs in California after 1991.
It was at that time that their weapons program not only bifurcated into a highly classified area but largely went “dark” with top weapons physicists being kept “out of the loop.”
Thus, we find the use of dirty weapons, never meant to win a battle or reduce an enemy stronghold but to destroy a race.
Then, of course, there is still the issue of the endless tons of depleted uranium, not just Iraq but Gaza, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and perhaps even Syria.
Read full article with videos, links and photos.
Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but on balance, believe that secrecy is being improperly used to conceal high crimes of treason to the Republic and the Constitution. There is a cabal that does appear to orchestrate governments, corporations, and foundations to ends that are completely inconsistent with the public interest.
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