What has dominated human conflict since the turn of the Millennium?
Posted: 26 Sep 2013 03:21 PM PDT
Here's an important question.
What do the following have in common?
- 9/11 and Al Qaeda's subsequent attacks
- The Iraq War (the guerrilla war)
- The Nigerian Conflict (MEND vs. Shell Oil – 2007 — cause of the oil price spike)
- The Arab Spring (Tunisia/Lybia/Egypt)
- Occupy
- Anonymous
- Snowden/Wikileaks crypto war.
They are all open source conflicts.
Clearly, open source warfare — a form of warfare where many participants, motivated for very different reasons, join together to take on a larger foe — now dominates modern conflict.
And we developed it here, together, on this blog.
From the start of this blog back in 2004. Through the course of 10 m page views, tens of thousands of comments and posts, articles in the press (New York Times to Fast Company), scientific studies that reached the cover of Nature Magazine, and even a book that made it to the top 25 in sales on Amazon (with help from David Brooks).. we uncovered, documented how open source warfare works.
And, this work had influence. From all of the government agencies that were briefed (from my testimony to Congress to presentations to the Joints Chiefs of Staff, the NSA, the CIA and nearly every smart group in the DoD we influenced American thinking on warfare. We've also had impact on the guerrillas themselves, as they applied the lessons of open source warfare learned on this site to the conflicts they were fighting around the world (confirmed by first hand feedback).
Phi Beta Iota: Open Source Conflicts (an infinite variety of infinitely agile combinations seeking remediation) cannot be defeated. It can only be pre-empted by transparency, truth, and trust as the foundation for an infinite variety of infintely agile combinations seeking to avoid corruption in feedback loops, ignorance of true cost economics, and treason against the larger public interest. Violent remediation is unaffordable and unsustainable against more than 10%. If the 1% wants to survive, it needs to “settle” 80% of the population, centered on a broad middle class and localized resilience.
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