As some of you know, I like to find people who don't want to be found. Since the mid 90's I have located and connected with over two dozen terrorist, criminal, jihadi and drug groups. The alphabet list of people I have tracked down and lived with include the taliban, FARC, LURD, al Qaeda, BRA, GIA, MILF, ABB, AUC, HEK, Haqqani, Shining Path, ADF, Chechens along with various mafyia, gang and drug groups. My resume includes correctly identifying the location of bin Laden and Zawahiri in 2003. I have spent significant time tracking the exact location and condition of hundreds of kidnap victims in Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Colombia. I don't come to this task lightly
I am trying a new concept. Crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing a real search for a dangerous group. Your dollars supports an expedition led by myself along with professionals on the ground. Our task is to locate Joseph Kony along with understanding and communicating why Kony has not been found. Then we also need to communicate our efforts, discoveries and lessons learned in an open transparent way. Only then can criminals realize that there is no place left on earth to hide.
Phi Beta Iota: Crowd-funding is raising money from an infinite diversity of sources. Crowd-sourcing is aggregating information from an infinite variety of sources. They are different. They go well together. This is an example of public intelligence in the public interest funded by the public, of, by, and with the public.
We will go deeply into how $200 million spent by charities and U.S. tax dollars have not resulted in the locating or capture of Kony . Our goal is not to critique but to enlighten our followers so that we can apply this model to other expeditions.
Yes it's real, and yes we need your support to show that people can now bypass charities, passive witnessing and non productive ways to harness change. Our time frame is to get funded over the next 60 days and then begin in January..
I have been tracking Kony since 1993 and if this model works we will expand it to locating other war criminals and internationally wanted fugitives around the world. If we do get the $5M it will defray our costs and go directly into ground projects to help the LRA's victims.
We are going to raise $450K (we only get a percentage of that amount), hire very experienced locals, provide benefit to local villagers and bring along a small number of major sponsors. We will coordinate with all the local and transnational players and work openly to find the remaining members of the LRA and Kony.
For those that want to go along, please wait until we are funded and we will post available slots for medcaps, security, intel and other skills that will help us both find Kony, but also deliver direct benefit to the remote villages. Although we will be moving through four counties (Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Uganda) we will concentrating much of efforts around Garamba Park in northern DRC.
We are also looking for two hi profile corporate supporters who would like to be affiliated with measurable action outside of the crowd funding effort. If you can't contribute please spread the word. Television, film and other rights are available as well. We will also be seeking support outside of the Indiegogo site for those who prefer to do things quietly.
Thanks for your support
Read all about it here:
See Also:
Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Robert Young Pelton