Danielle Villegas: The Future of Mobile Learning

04 Education, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
Danielle Villegas
Danielle Villegas

29 Slides Online: The Future of Mobile Learning – Empowering Human Memory and Literacy

Highlights: “Mobile First” when designing any curriculum; e-learning (electronic) differs from s-learning (speech) and p-learning (paper); knowledge needs to be meta-datad into mobile-usable chunks; m-learning (mobile) is a far advance and distinct from e-learning; applicability and ease of access rule; important reference The Mobile Proposition for Education Report 2012; m-learning is a design challenge, a mind-set challenge.

Phi Beta Iota: It is the view of Earth Intelligence Network and its team that the five billion poor cannot afford to spend years in a classroom designed for rote learning of historical information rather useless to the needs of humanity. The poor need to be empowered first with the ability to communicate with one another and everyone else; then with free access to the Internet, and finally, with a global network of call centers and diaspora volunteers who can teach then anything they want to learn, in the moment, “one cell call at a time.”

See Also:

Danielle Villegas @ Phi Beta Iota

Mobile Learning @ Phi Beta Iota

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