We continue to make progress on this summer's HOPE-X conference. Please take a look at our brand new website, viewable at http://x.hope.net or http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Please have a look around the site as it also serves to answer just about any question or concern you might have about HOPE-X.
Our speaker submission deadline has been set for April 30. If you have an idea for a talk or panel, please email speakers@hope.net with details (the guidelines for this are at http://x.hope.net/speakers.
HOPE X will be held July 18-20, 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. You can get your tickets at http://store.2600.com/
To get amazingly discounted hotel rooms during the conference, visit tinyurl.com/hope-x-rooms.
To get involved with conference planning, submit talk/panel ideas, organize a special project, or volunteer for various HOPE activities, visit x.hope.net.
Please follow us on Twitter (@hopex) and help us to spread the word in any way you can. As more people buy advance tickets, our flexibility in what we can do increases substantially.