Although the Congress and the Obama Administration think Fracking is just the thing, the evidence for the wrongness of this policy just keeps piling up. One learns in school that the purpose of the government is to be responsive to its people, and provide for their safety and wellbeing. But that of cou! rse we know is just a fantasy of academics. Your house has been brought down by an earthquake? Terribly sorry, the government says, but our corporate masters' profits are too important for us to stop them.
University of Colorado Boulder Scientists Link 10,800-Foot-Deep Fracking Wastewater Well to More than 200 Earthquakes
BRANDON BAKER – Ecowatch/Nation of Change
When the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ordered NGL Water Solutions to stop fracking wastewater injection operations a month ago, a team of University of Colorado Boulder researchers began conducting its own investigation.
NGL, formerly known as High Sierra Water Services, was given permission to resume its activities at a 10,800-foot-deep well a few weeks later, but the CU findings suggest that shouldn’t have happened. Anne Sheehan and her team found that the well is linked to more than 200 earthquakes, the geophysics professor in the CU Department of Geological Sciences told Boulder County Business Report.