U.S. Intelligence Officials Demand that Obama Release MH-17 Intel
If the White House has concrete, probative intelligence regarding MH-17, we strongly suggest that the time is right to approve it for release before the “blame Russia” narrative becomes completely dominant. The American people are perfectly capable of judging for themselves what took place but they need to have all the information presented without bias and without any attempt to evade unpleasant conclusions. And it should be done even given the risk of compromising “sources and methods,” as the broader issue of war or peace with Russia is something that should be of paramount concern to every American.

ROBERT STEELE: It's about time. These small flashes of integrity are most welcome. We have a government — executive, legislative, judicial — that is corrupt to the bone. The US Intelligence Community is in theory the keeper of the flame of truth. It's leaders swear an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies domestic and foreign. There is no greater enemy to the US Constitution today than the two–party political tyranny that has become a criminal cabal. From Bush to Clinton to Obama, what we have are three crime families that will tolerate any abuse of the public interest for their own special interests. Now, in the declining years of the second Obama-Biden term, is a fine time to draw the line. As some of us press forward on the Electoral Reform Act of 2015, the possibilities for a constructive convergence are excellent. I never left the US intelligence community — it left me. We can meet at the cross-roads of ethical evidence-based decision-support.