To deflate the federalist propaganda
A research institute on independence
This summer, Jean-Jacques Nantel and I worked on a project of Research Institute on Quebec independence that we presented to Mr. Pierre Duchesne, Chief of the Leader of the Official Opposition, Mr. Pierre Karl Péladeau, at a meeting held on 9 October. You will find this project attached to this text.
Essentially, the project defines in detail the mission of the future institute, offers a working philosophy, outlines the form of organization and the role of resource persons and proposes the formation of eight working groups, trained analysts and of researchers with specific mandates to each group.
The mission of the Institute is simple: to promote, educate, inform, sensitize and convince Quebecers of the economic advantages and benefits, social, cultural, energy, environmental and political independence of Quebec. To do this, the work of the Institute is to gather all useful and relevant information, analyze it and convert it into pitch, and establish a communication strategy to disseminate this argument using all the traditional means of communication and connected to the Internet.
The working philosophy of work of the Institute is that of a “think tank” that uses a simple vocabulary of modern communication tools (videos, maps, entertainment etc.) and use of experts and activists from all volunteers Quebec united network by information technology.
The project proposes that IRIQ take the form of a non-profit organization, governed by Part III of the Companies Act, RSC, c.38, governed by a board of directors appointed by a general meeting of members.
The project also proposes eight specific working groups: one group to collect and analyze information from the public, a group of experts to search and analyze sensitive data from the various levels of government, a group to identify all sources of profits and benefits of independence, a group responsible for disseminating this information, a group to identify and study the subgroups who are reluctant to support independence, a group to identify the different elements and steps to achieve independence, a group to analyze and suggest the necessary changes to the state apparatus of Quebec when independence and a group established to review the products of ‘Institute.
Everything leads me to believe that this reflection made its way and it is reasonable to think that the final announcements regarding this Institute will be made before the end of the year.
Send us your comments, which will fuel the debate.